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Tomorrow's Child

(The Life, & World, of Future Children)


How Will Today's Youth See Tomorrow?


The Life, & World, of Future Children

Will Be Very Different from Today...

      There are probably a billion Epic Fantasies of what the Future holds in store for the Children of Tomorrow...  All filled with Fascinating Tales of Wonder & Magical Adventures that wait!  Then there are also those Frightening Nightmares about what the Future may have in store for Tomorrow's Child...?  

      Many worry about a Dreadful & Suffering Planet, filled with Horrible Consequences from being Over Polluted & left Desolate from the Havoc of Human Wastes & Decaying Desert Lands!  A place where the Climate has become Completely Unbearable, and most Life, has been lost...  Yes, there are so many Great Dreams & Even Greater Worries, out there in the World today - just waiting to know which ones might come True!?  However, the Real Science of the Future is much more Reassuring & Realistic. 

      There are some immediate issues that we must ALL deal with now, such as Slowing Down Our Population Growth, Eating Far Less Red Meats, Greatly Reducing Our Use of Oil, Recycling ALL Products Made from Oil, and Learning to Limit Our Future Land Development.  This will give our Planet a Major Chance for Recovery.

      Once the people of today have done their own part, the ones in the Future will have a fair shot at truly doing theirs!  They will be able to LEARN from our Past Mistakes, and finally, run this World the way it was always meant to be run.

      The Children of Tomorrow will grow up in a very Different World of Circumstances than the ones that we face here today.  There will be far greater issues in Keeping the Earth Preserved, Dealing with the Climate, Population Control, Societal Structure, New Advances in Technology, New Transitions & Forms in Landmass, Space Exploration, and Maintaining Food, Water, & Medicine.  All of these things will be greatly different in the years ahead.

      They will need to Master ALL of their Creative Skills & Thinking, to be Truly Ready for the many Various Possibilities that the Future will hold.  It will take Great Patience & Hard Work to find the Answers to their Future Needs!  

      They will face MANY New Tasks & Advances in Construction, Transportation, Communication, Science & Technology, Newly Introduced Forms of Building Materials, New Manufacturing & Productivity Needs, Military & Societal Structure and Control, ALL New Forms of Banking & Labor Credits, Psychology, Philosophy & Spirituality, and the Children of Tomorrow, will need to be Educated Much Faster & Far More Better than they are now today.  There will be no such thing as getting anything less than an A.  If a student has not completely mastered a subject in all areas, then they are not done learning it yet.

      The use of New Teaching Tools & Computer Technology can greatly improve in these areas.  However, it will also be very important for ALL children to still use Physical Books & Hands-on Experience, for certain areas in Learning.  The connection of Holding & Reading Books - Especially Under Candlelight, is very Artistic in nature and must be a Vital Part of Future Learning Programs.  Just as Music, Art, Dance, Poetry, and Crafts are very Vital Parts of Today's Learning, so will Books, & Hands-on Experience, be in the Future of Every Child.

      ALL Creative classes of Inspiring Arts will continue onward Much Better than Today; and will probably be the Most Important Classes of the Future!  The New Way of Teaching will literally be through Creativity & Direct Hands-on Learning - Not standard Sitdown Classes like today.  This is why the Schools & Institutions of today, need to begin greatly Changing into this Very Important, Well Understood Direction!

      The Lifestyles of youth will be much more involved in the Future!  They will be a very Important Part in Contributing back into Society as they go and grow.  The greatest lesson that mankind is about to finally LEARN, is that ALL Children Are Always the FUTURE!!!  So, it's best to get them ALL READY for a much more Happy & Stable Role to be played within it!  And, just by doing this one simple Action Alone, most Crime & Criminal Mischief will become a thing of the past. 

      This ALL Means that the Youth of Tomorrow will actually be Productively Working in some of their Hands-on Learning Experiences in Education!  They will have a lot of FUN doing so, and will be Rewarded for jobs well done!  They will likewise be Encouraged to come up with New Ideas to Better the areas that they are Working in, which will give them a strong feeling of Self-worth, Pride, & Sincere Responsibility!  This is the Intelligent Action of a Properly Structured Society for Motivation & LEARNING! 

      The main focus on children in the Future will be to get them as Creatively Prepared & Mentally and Spiritually READY to take on their own Goals, Hopes, & Dreams, as they truly can be!  This basic Outlook will get them much more Involved from the very beginning, and it will keep them Involved through the very end.  It will give them ALL the Background, Skills, & Confidence they will truly need to make their Own Future, the very Best & Most Positive that it Can Be for ALL...  Godspeed Indeed!!!

Sir Richard N. Rockfire


The Future is Coming!!!

Whether You Like It or Not!!!

So, it's Best to be Prepared for CHANGE...

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