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Real Science Discoveries


Science Has Made Many Discoveries!


      Over the years, Science has Answered Many Questions & Brought Us Many Incredible New Discoveries!  Many of these things are talked about and addressed more directly on several of the other Pages within this Site.  Here, on this Page, we are looking at some of the things that needed to be included for further Educational Purposes.  We hope you truly Enjoy this Page & All of the Videos & Information on it.  Here, the Science Speaks for itself...  So, Happy Researching & Have  FUN Learning!


Remember: Science is the Quest for Truth & Search for Dreams!!!


Keep Up the Great Work... & BIG CHEERS!!!


Sir Richard N. Rockfire


Understanding Theories vs. FACTS


      I think, therefore I am, is not a full and true statement of being 'Alive' or having a 'Soul' or else a common computer would be counted as such. Therefore the 'Theory' is Not True & Incomplete.


      To often people get misled by Statements, Quotes, & Theories, which are Not Proven & Incomplete.  Sometimes we use 'Occam's Razor' to try to better explain or understand things.  Yet, even it, is still Not Proven - no matter how likely the results may seem.  So, maybe we need to think more 'Outside the Box' of the known methods or physics we always trust for our answers.  This should especially hold true to things that cannot be explained under those circumstances.  Truly research and think about ALL of what you read. 


      I Am, that I Am; because I think, I have real feelings, true emotions, understanding of what I like and do not like, I know pain and hate, I know love and pleasure, I learn from my actual experiences, I can evolve, I can grow, I can feel desire and passion, I can have empathy or remorse, I can be happy or sad, I can invent new ideas and better ways to look at things or solve problems, I have the ability to imagine, I understand what the beauty of admiration and appreciation is, I know good from bad, and I believe in me.  I am 'Alive & Have A Soul' not because I have a physical body, but because of these things that truly make me so in true Mindful Awareness & Spirit!  A body is just an Avatar for a short period of time.  Self Awareness & Realization are forever.   This is True & Correct.


      It is for this reason a true living 'GOD' must exist, or did exist at some point, because we cannot explain or even begin to understand how ANY of the Universe was originally formed from absolutely nothing.  And, like 'GOD' we are 'Self Aware' - beyond the laws of physics.  So, one can truly say that in this sense, we are created in the likeness of 'GOD'.  Yet, because there is most likely a current living awareness that we call 'GOD', it does not prove that 'GOD' either directly Punishes or Rewards.  Nor does it mean there are strict rules to go by other than our own self awareness and best understandings.  It only states that the great being of 'Creation & Awareness' exists.  Anything else, is a simple personal belief in 'Faith & Man-Made Theories'.  Even the 'Big Bang' cannot be proven true, due to the fact that there can be no explosion within matter that is set at Absolute Zero in the cold dead silence of space. Nothing physical can form out of nothing at all and then move at Absolute Zero without heat.  Besides, where did all that created matter come from in the first place; and who farted?  


      I know the so-called 'Big Bang' has gone through its own theory changes over the years as many different people have put their hands on it and two-cents into it.  However, it still comes back to another theoretical and misunderstood 'Universe before the Universe' and also a theoretical 'Initial Fire' at the beginning of the 'Big Bang' itself.  So, what caused the 'Initial Fire', and what happened to the other Universe?   Based on that way of looking at it, there could be countless other 'Universal Beginnings & Initial Fires.'  So, this concept may never end.  And, none of this will ever define the true beginning of 'Creation!'


      Superconductors, Gases, all sorts of Energy Forces, Magnetic Fields, & Space Time, each just coming out of nothing, to form everything, in perfect harmony - at once.  Yet, no one can explain how it truly happened or how it came from nothing.  Everything must be created by something else.  It has to come from something before it in evolution - like the 'Chicken and the Egg'. Yet, we then get into more theoretical Paradoxes, which continue to grow as does the further debate.  Therefore we may not be able to answer the hardest questions because the answers themselves are outside the laws of physics or known energy/matter in our current physical state.


      The 'Expansion' of the Universe does not need a BIG BANG to cause it if we take into consideration all the other unexplained and paradoxical happenings.  Hell, it could simply be forming that way for other reasons of its greater 'Resonate Voice!'  The TRUTH, is that no one really knows.


      We have observed the formations of Gases from out of the dark void, which create new Galaxies & Planets from nothing over many billions of years in their evolutions.  This observation also proves the 'Big Bang Theory' to not be true.  However, no life on this planet will be here to see them when they are actually finished forming billions of years from now.  So, knowing that everything forms out of nothing, which we cannot see, record, or understand in the current physical universe, we must conclude that we cannot find the answers to age old questions while we are in physical form.


      We also must note that over 96% of all currently recorded Space, is simply 'Dark Energy & Dark Matter' that holds everything together, keeps everything in place, and yet sets all things apart without allowing ANY of itself to be studied or seen.  It somehow produces an invisible 'Resonate Voice' that controls all matter through unseen energy and magnetic fields.  Yet, it is where everything comes from and seemingly goes back too - eventually.  It has No True Scientific Explanation.


      Even our own planet, Earth, we know very little about except just simple theories.  We have never seen anything further down than a few miles into the planet's crust.  Yet, we act as if we actually know what is there and just how it works?  Bullshit!  It's just best guesses and theories...  No one knows the true PROVEN FACTS - No one has seen it!  There are no factual charts from crust - to the core.  It's ALL GUESS WORK!  For now, it is an absolute lie to say that any of it is actually real.


      We know so very little about the oceans, and we are still discovering new things and new species every day - even on land.  We have no clue to what really happened hundreds of years ago, because there were no devices to record the events as they occurred.  Neither can we truly trust Word-of-Mouth from thousands of years ago when most people could not read or write. People lie, misunderstand, make mistakes, and cover-up things all the time - especially back then when they could truly get away with it.  We only have what little we can truly see, test, verify, and understand now within the real presence of today.  In that information alone, is all the real evidence we have to factually go on and trust... Nothing more.


      Over the past 100-years, we have learned and achieved more than all of the rest of our history combined.  Yet, in it, we still know so little about our own true history or planet itself.  We pretend that we are smarter and actually know more than we truly do - without Real Facts.  We strive to conquer Space, and visit other planets when we have only begun to scratch the surface in understanding our own.  Doesn't that seem just a little like 'Putting the cart before the horse?'  Maybe we should truly think and get our FACTS STRAIGHT before we act.  


      Having Dreams & Future Goals are a great part of being human.  However, we should FULLY understand what we are doing before we dive into New Waters.  Even 'Occam's Razor' tells us this much.  We must THINK LOGICALLY about what we believe and work to achieve.  For now, we should be more concerned with fixing the issues in our own lifestyles and problems in our own world, before we quest to explore or understand another.


      So, are we to walk in blind faith and be the 'Blind leading the blind', or to question, think, act wisely, research, and do our best to be better in our present ways to evolve...?  What one decides to do, or not, is up to them - For, they are, as I am...  And, I am, that I am - with or without a physical body. Yet, we ALL must evolve - one way or another.  Being RESPONSIBLE for our actions is just the first step.  As we grow and evolve - we will make another.  We have a very long way to go before we reach the light at the end of the tunnel.  We must be patient and never give up 'til the very end.


      Our belief in 'GOD' should be in a very simple form and understanding of existence and evolution - Nothing more.  Our belief in 'Religion', which is ALL based on Traditional Pagan Rules & Basic Fears that are completely MAN-MADE, should end.  Only 'Pray' to be our best and achieve our best in each life we have...  Even as the 'Lord's Prayer' is so simple, always keep it so.


      We must also understand that just because we cannot explain something, does not make its FACTS unobtainable in the end.  It just shows we have not been able to truly grasp it as of yet.  Also, things we do not fully understand, should not be allowed to get the best of our imaginations and lead us into a world of Fantasy or Fear.  We should never stop exploring new ideas or researching the recorded FACTS.  However, we should only treat 'Theories' as ideas that are NOT PROVEN, because until the present time, there are not enough FACTS to support them.  Only through great research and the patience of true understanding shall we learn, and be able to simply endure 'til the end.


      ALL of us should Live Life to the Fullest, & Care for ALL living things as we strive to better understand and protect what we are given in lives we live.  Let nothing hold us back.  Simply set our Hearts, Minds, & Spirits - FREE!


      Always stick to the PROVEN FACTS first, and the rest will follow in due time.  Wisdom, is about Experience - Not Blind Faith.  We can really want a theory to be correct, but that does not make it true - until it is literally PROVEN to be so.  The one FACT we do know for sure is that we each have each other to learn from and share with - while we can...  Cheers!


Sir Richard N. Rockfire


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