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    Please Note:  This website was designed as a Completely Interactive Educational Research Site for Schools, Institutions, Organizations, and Study Groups.  It is far too BIG in its Pages & Features to be Properly Viewed from a Small Mobile or Handheld device.  Please use a standard size Laptop or Desktop Computer when viewing.  Thank You & Enjoy the Epic Learning Experience...  Cheers!

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We Are Not Here for Just One Cause,

We Are Truly Here Because...

This World, Needs REAL Education & Rehabilitation NOW!!!


People Can Change...

 It's not about who will change...? It's all about if YOU will Change...?

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The Easiest Way On Earth to Make A Difference!!!

Hope, Education, Inspiration, Aid to the World...  The Choice is YOURS...

Do Something - While YOU CAN!!!


Join the Fight of Every Good Organization on Earth...

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"When the whole world stands together at once, it will finally  find peace..."

Sir Richard N. Rockfire

Do YOU Really CARE or Even Give A Damn About What is Going On?

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Make A Decision & Make A STAND...

Feed the Good Wolf!!! 

Over 25-Years-Ago, the movie: On Deadly Ground,

was released, by Steven Seagal.  


         He had very secret undertones for this release, which have almost completely been forgotten today.  Its direct dealings of the corruption within the Corporate & Political sides of World Issues is what got our Immediate Attention.

         Even though our campaign does not support Steven Seagal, in all of his movies, or efforts in Entertainment, we do understand what he was doing in his production of: On Deadly Ground.  We also see it now, as an easy way to let the general public look back at what has been in its face for so many - many years.  Yet, Oil Companies & Governments are not the main problems in Climate issues.  Most of the devastating effects on our world are made by the common lifestyles and diets of everyday citizens within Society.  Those particular issues are explained throughout this site.


         Since Nikola Tesla, in the early 1900's - through today, so MANY, vastly needed technologies, and basic approaches to World Leadership have been ignored - Even though the Public - YOU - have been made AWARE of them. 


         It is not only very sad but absolutely ridiculous that Nothing has been done to truly address ANY of these issues - even until this very moment of TODAY!!!  

        People, I have to ask just one very serious question, but first let me say:  If one of my many brothers, or sisters, in this Fight for Life, needed me in ANY WAY  -  I would be there for them - No Questions Asked!  I would not hesitate, or even think twice  - I would go to them...  So, what will YOU ever do to make a difference in your own way?  We have Entertained You & Given You Our ALL to help you make the RIGHT Decisions... So, when will YOU - YES YOU - Take ACTION!!! 


What Will It Take...?

Sir Richard N. Rockfire

Our Final Decisions


         If WE, as Common Citizens, do not accept our literal responsibilities and truly realize our direct importance to STOP what we have already done within this once very Beautiful & Glorious World, then WE, are no closer to an answer or better life, than before WE, were here.  

        There is No Excuse to SAVE US!  Nor ANY LOGIC that could...  If WE, do not ACT NOW, then everything we ever discovered or learned, will become HISTORY...  Yet, WHO, will read it? 

         We are the final Fathers & Mothers, which have a chance to Make A Stand - Before ALL, is Lost, and it has become far Too Late to do So!!!   It is SOCIETY ITSELF that MUST CHANGE!!!

         There is still time to Make A Difference, but it will not bring back all of the things we have already lost.  We can only SAVE as much as possible, for the Future of our Children's children...


         May God Truly Help Us - Indeed...


Where Will YOU Be In THIS STAND...?

The Clock is Ticking...

Sir Richard N. Rockfire

Find Your Heart & Soul in this World...
Join Us in Making A Real
YOUR ACTIONS Speak Louder Than Words!
Do Something Truly Profound!
Get Off of the
Fence & Finally Pick A Side...

Call of the Wild

Well I've talked to the wind and I've listened to rain
I have climbed to the clouds and I've cried out with pain
This life is for living so come to my side
And open your heart ... to the call of the wild

We are all of one nation, all of one creed
We are all out of nature, all of one seed
We are in this together, man, woman and child
So open your heart to the call of the wild

We talk the same language in different tongues
We're somebody's daughters and somebody's sons
But those who believe we are head of the chain
May wake up to find we are all that remain

There is no need to fear what we don't understand
For we breathe the same air and we walk the same land
The strong and the anxious, the meek and the mild
All dance to the drum... that's the call of the wild

*The Following Version of this Video is ONLY presented here.

If YOU wish to see it in its original form, plese visit:

Tere del Castillo on YouTube & Subscribe and Like, to

show YOUR Support for their great artistic outlook...



Join Us in Breaking the Boundaries
& Regenerating
Life in Our World!

Sir Richard N. Rockfire

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Be the Difference You Want!

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      "In my very Words & Essence, there is still beating the hungering hearts of those from the past...  Yes, the ones we call Great Grandmas & Great Grandpas through the years...  However, my inspiration goes much deeper than just that...  I go back to the first days of where we all truly began... 


      Not so long ago, their 'Hopes & Dreams' were there for the benefit of 'Man!'   Just 'What' these great endeavors are completely for in the very end, is still nothing more than a continuous Beating Heart & Highly Debated Mystery!  Their 'Understandings & Ways' were far beyond what common eyes will ever see or simple minds could ever perceive...  So, we must be very careful in having 'Faith' in what we do NOT truly 'Understand!'  Why...?  Because, unlike us, they were just what they were: Pure & Without Measure into the Universe!  They were very Wise!  They are still waiting for us to Learn...  Waiting for us to Grow!  Waiting for ALL of us to come Home...

      No 'Religion' will ever be the 'Answer' or able to comfort ALL SOULS at All Times...  Only the TRUE SPIRITUAL AWARENESS of Unconditional Love, Sincere Respect of Others, and The Wisdom of Learning through Experience will ever guide us on a True Path of Enlightenment.  In this World, we only have Each Other to Rely On!  We better make the BEST of What We Have!!!

      Those very REAL WORDS I leave with you...  It is up to YOU to decide what path you will follow in your own Life.  It is up to YOU to choose Right or Wrong?  A path of Real Responsibility, Respect, & Compassion, or A path to Do Nothing More than Take! 


      It can get very lonely when Our Greatest Dreams are locked away in the dark...  All people must follow their HeartsSEARCH FOR TRUTH!!!

     At times, things may seem hard to endure, but through it all, there is an Answer... Somewhere...  It waits...  It isn't a true journey of REAL SURVIVAL - unless we all understand that we are each at play in a greater hand of much more than just a Fantasy of Man...  We must stand together for ALL...

Or, else... We stand alone!

Sir Richard N. Rockfire

Coming Soon


(The Book)

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Education & Resources That Heal

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Do Your Part &  Help the World

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We Are Making A Real Difference - YOU Can Too!!!

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