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What the ROCKFIRE WORLDSHARE™ Campaign does:

[The PARIS AGREEMENT, is nowhere near enough...]














We Cannot Wait - Action Must Be Taken Now!!!


Human & Planetary Health, are the bottom-line issues of the ROCKFIRE WORLDSHARE™ Campaign.

      ROCKFIRE WORLDSHARE™ was created and designed by its CEO, Sir Richard Rockfire, in 2003. It then spent over a decade after that, in the actual full making and construction.  

         What is the first objective of ROCKFIRE WORLDSHARE™ and how does it work?

       ROCKFIRE WORLDSHARE™ is the Focus of BETTER LEARNING through Inspiration & Creative Stimulation that Teaches the literal FACTS FIRST on all given topics at hand.  It is based on New Techniques that bridge the gaps that keep most people Separated or left feeling Isolated from others. Its Fundamental Basics are that WE are ALL in this World & LIFE Together as Equal Members of NATURE, with Equal Rights to Grow, LEARN, and Evolve as a NATURAL TEAM!  If ANY member of a TEAM is Hurting, then the Whole Team will SUFFER in the end.  We must LEARN to Work Together to OVERCOME our Personal Indifferences and to Understand that there is ALWAYS a FUN & POSITIVE Solution to ANYTHING when people Accept the FACT that WE are ALL in this Journey TOGETHER as One Great United Planet of Intelligent & Creative Beings...  So, Think & Act with RESPECT for ALL!

      It is now the end result of over 30-years of hard dedicated research and study.  Its direct intent was to be the best Worldwide Information Source for New Teaching Tools & Educational Concepts to be used in Classrooms, Organizations, & Personal Research Groups around the World.


      Its E.A.R.T.H.™ Program has done just that, and opened the doors to a whole new world of ideas in Teaching, Inspiring, & Sharing!  Even this website itself was Creatively Designed to Maximize Focus & Understanding for better LEARNING & Memory Retention!

      The RWSN List was created as the World's First much needed Voice & Voters Platform for everyone around the World to be able to Freely use and Get Involved!  Anyone over the age of 12, can Voice their Opinion & Vote!  

      Using each of these projects together gives the World what it has truly needed, but never had properly done before... It takes away the frustration of Misinformation & Lack of Resource from society and gives them the Real Tools they actually need to be Truly Educated and to Act & Live More Responsibly! 

      These are the True Goals & Purpose of the ROCKFIRE WORLDSHARE™ Campaign.  It is the Hope For A Better Tomorrow...

      "The Biggest Problems with Education & Research, are Distractions!  When someone is being Taught or Researching Something, they can very easily get off onto One Side or the Other of the topic!  This becomes a very BIG Distraction by that particular area, which keeps them from returning to and continuing with the FULL Scope of the subject matter originally at hand.  Also, if the way the subject matter is being Presented is not Inspiring, Entertaining, Interesting, or is part of a Sitdown, Face Forward, & Shutup Class, the STUDENT, will wish they were somewhere else, and NOT Retain the HARSH Information being FORCED on them!   Education Must Be INSPIRING & RESPECTED!!!" 

Sir Richard N. Rockfire

1. The main focus of ROCKFIRE WORLDSHARE™ is to directly Educate people around the entire world to the Global issues that cannot be ignored any longer.  These issues MUST BE dealt with immediately, and strictly enforced by Logged Public Votes & Voice!  The ROCKFIRE WORLDSHARE™ Campaign is also located within the ROCKFIRE INTERACTIVE™ portion of our actual huge company website for ROCKFIRE INTERNATIONAL™.  It is a very effective Educational and Informational tool for Research, Inspiration, and Learning.  This site was created to make the campaign, and its outreach, very easy for the public to Use & Share.  Its destiny is to change the entire world's approach to Truth & Knowledge of what MUST BE DONE, and actually DO IT NOW!!!

2. ROCKFIRE WORLDSHARE™ allows people to Donate any amount to help Educate and Aid others around the world in the events of Planetary and Human crisis and needs - including GMO's & Climate Change, The E.A.R.T.H.™ Program, as well as the overpowering control of Major Corporations that are responsible for most of the Controlled Media, Misinformation, & Societal Decline today.

3. ROCKFIRE WORLDSHARE™ distributes 50% of ALL Donations Received, equally to the Top crisis groups/organizations in the event of Natural Disasters - such as Earthquakes, Tornados, Tsunamis, Hurricanes, Massive Floods, Landslides, Forest Fires, Oil Spills, and War.  Most Donations are given to the areas affected at the time of an event, depending on which organization/source need them most! 


4. The main focus of Donations goes towards Worldwide Education & New Public Political Voice!  The World Food Program, Red Cross - Red Crescent, and certain Non Profit organizations that may operate or assist in areas affected during a Crisis, are the second part of this primary focus. 

5. A very small amount of Donations go to Private Medical Research and maintaining the ROCKFIRE WORLDSHARE™ program in its campaign.

6. ROCKFIRE WORLDSHARE™ is dedicated to Helping People & ALL Life in the World to become a better, stronger community of living beings!  Everywhere and in Every Way we can, we will be there.  From Education and Inspiration within multiple Websites and Organizations Worldwide - to Public Concerts & Events - We will be there in every effort possible! 

7. ROCKFIRE WORLDSHARE™, Breaks its Donations down into two basic parts: A, 50% of all Donations are Split between The World Food Program, Red Cross, and Red Crescent.  This first 50% is held onto the actual time of a major crisis, where it is greatly increased via secured investments and bank interest until the actual time of need.  This allows for the maximum amount to be available during a disaster - where and when it is needed most!  It then goes directly to the agency and areas that can best use it!  No other company or organization in the world use our plan or executes massive additional profits off of donations to be ready for such events.  B, The remaining half, or 50%, go directly to running the ROCKFIRE WORLDSHARE™ Campaign, for all of its needed expenses & its own New Private Medical/Health Research.  Campaign Expenses include Websites, Phone Service, Public Events & Speaking, Legal Fees for the Campaign of Public Voice to include the Worldwide Use of the RWSN List, United Nations & Government Meetings/Addresses, and some Small Add Promos.  No other Additional Fees or deductions will ever be applied.


*ROCKFIRE WORLDSHARE™, There's no Easier way to Give and Learn... And, there's no better way to Really make a Difference!!! 



Real Knowledge Comes from Real Understanding:
What We CARE About, is What We ARE!



Sir Richard Rockfire's

Seven Minutes to Change

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