Doctors & Medicine Will Change
(A Look into the Future of Healthcare)
The Hard Facts About Healthcare
Mental Health & Understanding
1956 Earl Nightingale
The World of Future Healthcare,
Will have to truly Change...
There are a lot of Misconceptions about Healthcare & Factual Science in today's World. Most people KNOW that they are getting the Short-end-of-the-Stick, but they still put up with it... Why? People are TAUGHT to just be Obedient & Go-with-the-Flow, but is that Really what is BEST for them? Probably NOT in the End!
The way "Healthcare" and ANY Big Business is truly Run, is by sheer Volume & Mega Profits! The ONLY way to KEEP those Profits from Leaving, is to make sure that your "Customers" STAY! That is the Simple Science of ALL Business!
Most of the World of Humanity today - rely on the "NEED" of Pharmaceutical Medicines. However, do MOST People Really Need those "Medicines" or NOT!?
What GOOD is it to Live Longer, if you are in Pain or Miserable from the Side Effects of Your Medicines? Especially if Most of your Life is very Limited & Consumed by constant trips to-and-from Your "Doctor!" It just doesn't sound very much like LIVING at all in the End!
So, what can we Honestly do about that...?
Well, there are a few things for Starters, which begin with our Diets, and what we put into our bodies via Different Areas & Ways...
The Food & Drinks that we consume have a lot to do with our bodies being able to fight off Sickness & Disease! They also keep us in either Great or Poor Shape! If we eat and drink the right Natural things that are Properly Prepared, then we will be much more Healthy in the end. However, Diet Alone is not enough! People need proper Physical Activities that they do Every Day to truly bring them a Clear Mental & Spiritual Focus on Life & Living; as well as the True Understanding of just how IMPORTANT Real Actual Excercise Routines & Activities Truly Are!
A Good State-of-Mind & Spiritual Outlook on Life is one of the most important issues in ALL areas of Physical & Mental Health. If we are Truly Happy & Positive in our everyday living, then our Entire Person will literally show that and be in Very Good Condition. However, if we are Sad, Depressed, Stressed, Frustrated, or Angry, then our Entire Person will show that as well, and we will Suffer from it!
The Right Attitude in Life, goes much further than most people can even Understand! The literal effects of Laughter, Joy, Peace, & Love, can SAVE a person's Life in MANY ways! In the Future, the first step in "Modern Medicine" will be the Focus on a person's State-of-Mind & Lifestyle. This area is where Most Illness comes from - Believe it, or Not! Like the old saying: "Laughter, is the Best Medicine!" people will be more Focused on their Outlooks & Inner-Selves.
The Pharmaceutical Industry of Today treats Most Doctors as if they are Ignorant in nature. They Swear by New Drugs & Technology, which bring more Side Effects & Harm to people in the end. Then they make more "Drugs" to Counteract the ones they have already made, and the Vicious Cycle never ends! Most Senior Citizens have a BOX Full of "Medicine!" They are told that they MUST take ALL of their Medications or they will get even worse! Then, at some point, their "Medicines" will start Changing for "New Medicines" because the ones they are currently taking are NOT working! Ever wonder - WHY?
Before we go any further here, it is very Important to Note that Some Medicines are Truly Needed & Do Work! However, the Types of "Medications" and Amounts Taken - must be Reevaluated with the New Use of Better Diets, which also include the Everyday Consumption of Ionized Living Water, Proper Excercise for Certain Conditions, Patient Inspiration & Education, and the TRUE Focus on Literal Cures!
The Hard FACTS about MANY "Medications" are that they are NOT Needed at ALL! Most Blood Pressure & Cholesterol "Medications" are completely based on nothing more than Common Prescription & Theoretical Hype! They are Actually Harming Most Patients in the end - by Lowering the Natural Areas that are being Produced & NEEDED by their Own Bodies for Better Health! Each person is Different & Have Different Physical Needs & Requirements from ALL! So, the Overprescribing of Most "Medications" which are NOT Needed - must come to an end.
"Treating" an ongoing Condition is NOT Fixing it! If a person's Diet, Exercise, & Mental Focus are NOT in the Right Place, then THAT ISSUE, is the Cause for the Problem(s) at hand and should be Completely Addressed to CURE the situation. When a person is Consuming too much Table Salt, Sugar, Transfat, and Acidic Junk Food, then they will Constantly have further problems that will get Worse - No Matter How MUCH "Medication" they are taking. So, they must Change the way they Eat, Think, & Live First, with a Better Mental Focus on what THEY Must Do THEMSELVES to Get Better & STAY THAT WAY - Naturally! The key of CURE, is to STOP the things that are Causing an Illness where they Begin in the First Place! Then, IF "Medicine" is Actually Needed, it can be Prescribed.
There's an old Wise Saying that very clearly states: "What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger!" This is very - Very TRUE! Medication should ONLY be Prescribed as the Last Result when it is really Needed for a very Serious Cause! A person's Body becomes Much Stronger in its Immune System for Fighting Future Illness & Disease when it Relies on itself to Fix the Situation. So, the Overuse of Most Antibiotics must be STOPPED! Too Many Antibiotic Prescriptions, will greatly Weaken a Patient's Immune System & will leave them very Vulnerable to Future Infections.
Most of the Sincere Focus on Common Medical Treatment should be towards the Individuals Themselves & Much Better Diets that are very Rich in Antioxidants & Properly Alkaline in Nature! The use of "Medicine" should be the Last thing on Any Good Doctor's Mind... So, the Real Future of "Healthcare" will have to Change!
People cannot simply rely on a bunch of Manmade Chemical Products that are NOT Natural to "TREAT" their issues, but NOT Cure them... It just makes No Sense! They are being made much Sicker & Weaker in the end. That is NOT Good Medicine or Medical Treatment at all! So, the Big Money Greed of Pharmaceuticals will have to at least Change to Natural Medicines in the Future. No one will want anything else Once They LEARN!
The Future Solutions will be much more based on Our Spiritual Outlook & Faith in Getting BETTER! This Action is Stronger than ANYTHING Else! Placebos are the perfect example of these FACTS because when given a FAKE Sugar Pill & told that it is a New Wonder Drug, People Truly Get BETTER! They get Better because they Have Faith & Believe in the Pill that they took because they did not know that it was FAKE! So, just like a "Religious Faith" can heal people that Believe, so can they Heal Themselves by simple FAITH! ALL Nature was designed to be able to Fix itself! Animals in the wild, do not have Doctors but know to eat certain types of Grass & Roots when they are ill. They rely on the Power of their own Immune Systems, Intuitions, & Nature to take care of their needs. And, they do a lot better at it than us so far... Which is very Sad for us.
All of the Highly Acidic Fake Food & Drinks that people now consume in their Everyday Lives, will also Change! The Overuse of Table Salts, Transfats, & Sugars, will be replaced by REAL Organic Properly Grown Foods that are much Better and far more Rewarding in the end. All of the common Chemical Additives & Harsh Preservatives of Today will be Replaced by the simple use of Natural Vinegars & Safe Salts.
The way things are Packaged will Change from Chemical-based Plastics, back to Glass Jars & Glass Containers that are much Healthier, and can be Reused! And, the consumption of Most Junk Foods & Sodapops will become a thing of the past. People will mainly rely on Ionized Living Water for most of their daily hydration, and eat Fresh Organic Fruits, Nuts, & Vegetables as Snacks. So, the way people Eat, Drink, & Live, will be Much Healthier in the Future!
This may sound almost too Good to be True, but because the Education of people in the Future will be much more Realistic & Advanced, they will Naturally Choose to Live this way without hesitation. Besides, they will have already Learned from our Great Mistakes of the past. So, they will finally know exactly How to Actually LIVE!!!
Sir Richard N. Rockfire
To Learn Much More About
Diet & Healthcare
Click on the Links Below...
The biggest Misunderstanding in Healthcare now is that most "Doctors" are NOT Scientists, nor do most "Doctors" do their own Research... Instead, most "Doctors" simply rely on other people to tell them what is "Mainstream" and most commonly Trusted & Used! This is why there are so many different Opinions and even Conflicts of actual interest between different "Doctors". In general "Doctors" have been taught to just Regurgitate what they have heard or seen... Basically: Monkey See - Monkey Do!!!
This holds true to over 90% of the Medicines & Medical Practices today - even though MOST have No COMPLETE LONG-TERM Studies to thoroughly back them!
The Future of Healthcare
Will Have to Change for the Better!!!
So people can finally LIVE their Lives Freely...
One aspect has already changed: People from all around the world are rediscovering the true Science of making their own REAL MEDICINES!!!
Watch the Video Below to Understand...
The Best Recipe for the above Video is as follows:
Antibiotic Ingredients:
{Always Use 100% All-Natural Organic Ingredients}
The following recipe has been designed for easy mixing and blending with most standard size household blenders/mixers. It renders approximately 27 oz/800 ml of blended medicine - ready for Curing in Glass Jar(s) with either Plastic or Glass lids with rubber seals. Never use Metal lids! Make sure that you note the size and number of Glass Jars that you will be using, so you will know how many times you will repeat the recipe. It's very important to fill the jars most of the way up so that there is very little air left at the top. After filling the jars, they must be Shaken at least twice a day - every day for the entire three - four-week period! It's best if they are shaken well three times a day - Morning, Afternoon, & Night. The recipe works best with 12 or 16 oz Glass Jars. Two mixes of the recipe will make approximately 54 oz/1600 ml of blended medicine - ready for Curing in the jars... So, you would need four 12 oz/350 ml jars or three 16 oz/475 - 500 ml jars. You can use both sizes for more accurate full use of ALL the blended medicine - such as two of each. This eliminates the waste of any remaining medicine for Curing. Just do NOT leave more than half of an inch/one centimeter of air at the top of any filled jar.
The Recipe:
13.5 oz 400 ml Living Apple Cider Vinegar
½ cup pure Natural Honey
4 and ½ individual fresh Sage Leaves
¼ cup finely chopped fresh Garlic
¼ cup finely chopped fresh White Onion
1 and ½ fresh Chili, Habanero, or Scotch Bonnet Peppers, the hottest you can find (be very careful with the cleaning – do not get in eyes or on skin... Wear Gloves!!!)
¼ cup grated Ginger
1 and ½ tbsp grated Horseradish
1 and ½ tbsp turmeric powder or 1 and ½ pieces of Turmeric Root
Half a tsp fresh ground Black Pepper
Preparation is as Shown in Video:
Combine all the ingredients in a large mixer and finely blend...
Fill the Glass Jars with Plastic Lids as shown...
Close tightly and shake well...
For Best Results:
Let stand for at least three to four weeks (4-weeks is best) in a cool dark place/cabinet...
Thoroughly Shake the jars 3-times per day, every Morning, Afternoon, and Night...
After three to four weeks, empty all of the medicine into a couple of Glass or Porcelain Cooking Bowls. Divide the amounts evenly and place the cookware into a Dehydrator Oven at 140° (F). Let both bowls dehydrate for two hours. After two hours, lower the Dehydrator temperature to 114° (F) for about 18 - 21-hours (depending on your Dehydrator)... Once the entire mix is very dry, remove the Bowls & Scrape the Medicine out onto the Dehydrator Screens with Parchment Paper as shown in the Video.
Once you have crumbled up and evenly spread the medicine across the two or three separate Dehydrator Screens (depending on the size of your Dehydrator), continue to dehydrate at 114° (F) for an additional 3 - 6-hours... Until all of the mix is completely Crispy! Then, just place the Crispy mix into a good Coffee Grinder & Grind into a very fine powder... Now your Medicine is ready for consumption, capsulation, or to be immediately stored.
When storing as just a powder form, it is best to do so immediately after grinding, while it is still very dry! Use small Widemouth glass containers and fill them completely to avoid extra air inside the containers. DO NOT PACK THE POWDER!!! Also, place one *Silica Gel Packet Desiccant Dehumidifier on the very bottom and top of each container of powder, to prevent hardening of the powder. This means two total packets per each single bottle of stored powder. Keep in a Safe Dry place at room temperature, and do not open until needed/ready to use! Always store Medicine away from Heat, Moisture, & out of Sunlight.
When storing in a Capsule form, it is best to use a Prescription Style Medicine bottle with just one added *Silica Gel Packet Desiccant Dehumidifier inside with the Capsules. Keep in a Safe Dry place at room temperature, and do not open until needed/ready to use! Always store Medicine away from Heat, Moisture, & out of Sunlight.
Both stored versions of the Medicine should be good for at least two-years. Never wait until someone is sick to make this medicine because it takes nearly a month to make. The ingredients alone without the proper time of at least three to four-weeks to Cure, will not be much help. The medicine must be made in advance in order to actually work!
*You can get the small Silica Gel Packets Desiccant Dehumidifiers for just a few dollars for 50 New Packetts or more, off of Amazon. Never add a packet to any Medicine or mix until it is completely dried and in its finished Powdered or Capsuled form to be packaged and stored.
The flavor is very strong and hot! It is best to take in Capsule form after a Healthy meal...
If taken as a straight powder with a tablespoon, then it is best to eat a slice of Whole Wheat Bread & some fresh Citrus to relieve the burning sensation of the medicine.
Do not dilute it in water as it will reduce the effect.
Take 4-Capsules or 1-Tablespoon of Raw Powder, every 6-Hours to strengthen the immune system and fight a serious cold or basic infection.
Increase the amount every day until you reach a dose of 9-Capsules or 2-Tablespoons of Raw Powder - if needed...
If you are struggling against a direct life-threatening disease or infection, or if the medicine itself is not helping and your current condition is getting worse... Seek a doctor immediately!
The above medicine is safe for Pregnant Women & Children as long as they have no Allergy to any of the used ingredients... However, use Half Doses to start off with.
The above recipe is all-natural and contains no added preservatives or harmful toxins.
It is very important to note: ROCKFIRE WORLDSHARE™ does NOT recommend making Homemade Medicine, without thorough Understanding of exactly how to correctly do so; and Full Knowledge of ALL Ingredients and their interactions directly with one another when used! There should be NO Blind or Ignorant Experiments, which could harm anyone at any time.
No one should ever completely Rely on anything that they have NOT used before. Always be ready to go the Doctor if needed, and consult your Doctor before trying NEW Medication.
Extreme Research & Caution must be used before attempting to make ANY Home Remedy!