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Relaxation & Meditation
Relaxation & Meditation
Everyone needs to Relax & Just Meditate Sometimes. It is one of the most basic Needs & Principles of Life! If we force ourselves to go without a well-taken break, we will become very Tense & Overstressed! Our thoughts can become Negative & Begin to Wander... We must take time to Breath Deep & Refocus!
Some people simply close their eyes and let their thoughts slip away for a while... Others take a short Power Nap. Many people play soft Easy Listening Music in the background, while they go through their day. However, none of those things are more rewarding or profound than Yoga, and True Meditation.
We must ALL find something Beautiful in our daily routines to help give us Energy & Keep us Grounded! Yoga and True Deep Meditation will do just that. They are the true Power of Release, Energy, & Focus! Imagine a Mental & Spiritual Clarity like Never Before, and you just have discovered the True Power of Body, Mind, & Spirit Connection.
ALL Schools should offer Yoga as an Alternative Class to Standard P.E. (Physical Education) simply due to the FACT that Standard P.E. is not Completely Appropriate or Best Suited for Everyone! Some people have certain Disabilities and Issues that make Regular Physical Education CLasses much harder for them - but should not be left out of a Physical Program. Also, there are certain students whom Absolutely Hate Standard P.E. If students that Dislike P.E. are given a chance, to begin with, Yoga, then they will develop a more Positive Outlook towards Regular Physical Education. This would then greatly improve Everyone's Attitude and Future Participation in Standard P.E. Classes. ALL people must start somewhere, but Attitude first comes through Experience & Earned Respect!
Everyone should Study & Practice Yoga, and Deep Meditation. There has never been a person that said they didn't like it, or that it wasn't the Best Mental, Physical, & Spiritual discovery in their life. When Mind, Body, & Spirit come together in Perfect Harmony, no one can deny the incredible Outlet & Bliss of the results. Do your Research and YOU will see just how incredible your own Life can be! Cheers!!!
Find Your Inner Peace...
Sir Richard N. Rockfire
Remember, This is Good Sometimes
But This is Better - All of the Time
Set Yourself Free!!!
Peace Baby!!!
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