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New Power & Water Solutions

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The FACTS of Our Planet & Its Resources:

      In our own World Today, we live on a planet that has MUCH MORE TO OFFER than we have even Discovered!

     As people talk about "Missions to Mars" and "Exploring Deep Space" they still haven't even begun to scrape the surface of WHAT IS AVAILABLE to us right here on our own planet!  There are MUCH MORE IMPORTANT ISSUES to work with here at HOME, before even thinking of going somewhere else.

      Our Leading Scientists should be focusing directly on SOLVING PROBLEMS HERE in the areas of Energy, Fresh Water, Global Emissions, Environmental Impacts, and Keeping our Natural Resources from RUNNING OUT!  So, people need to get their heads out of the CLOUDS - Unless they are seriously Studying Them for Better Uses & Understandings in the Here & Now!!!

      We need Better Energy Systems that are much more Environmentally Friendly and take the pressure off of using up so much of our Oil, Coal, and Natural Gas.  Such new systems would allow us to better maintain our Climate & Keep the Earth's Important Natural Resources from so quickly running out.  We must have a Much Better Balance between Humanity & Nature!

     Our needs cannot outweigh the needs of the environment!  We cannot consume so much that we eventually destroy everything - including ourselves!  We will not be "Happy" or "Healthy" if things become too harsh within our environment...  So, if things get too bad to fix, we will have a very Sad, Traumatic, & Truly Devastating End!

      We must focus ALL of our Worldwide efforts on REAL SOLUTIONS - NOT PROFITS or the FANTASIES of far off future endeavors into Space... The likes of which, we currently cannot even begin to Realistally Afford or Undertake!  Back here on Planet Earth, nothing lasts forever...  So, we had better make Very Good Use of what we can - While we can!  

      With the Massive Growth of Population, we are using up more resources and land area, than ever dreamed before.  This means the extra use of much more Food, Energy, Fuel, Materials, Medicines, Clothing, Living - Educational & Working Facilities, and even Water!  Humanity cannot keep taking itself and the whole World around it for Granted! There is a DEFINITE PRICE for EVERYTHING!!!

      Right now many billions of gallons of Natural Resources are being WASTED each day!  They do NOT need to be used at ALL!  We have the Knowledge and the Means to turn BRINE into Electricity, Chemicals, & Gas!  This very process alone could solve over half of the growing issues and current needs for our Power & Water at hand!  

      Instead of just throwing away the Brine from Saltwater Plants by Unnaturally pumping it back into the Oceans at its Highly Concentrated Levels...  It should be Broken Down and turned into ENERGY to Power the High Electrical Needs of the Water Plants, and even supply the surrounding areas with additional Electricity!  Gases & Chemicals can also be gathered from the Brine, and then sold to Large Companies for many other uses.  We are throwing away our Best Natural Resources every day, by using the ones that are already in play to Power the Plants that are throwing away the ones that are Not being put into play...  A Very Foolish Behavior for such a Smart Race of beings!

    The BEST Solution in this particular area is to build New Brine Wastewater Management Plants next to the existing Saltwater Facilities, which would then break down the millions of gallons of Brine being discarded every day, and turn it into Electricity, Gas, and Chemical Compounds.  In short, it would be an all-new Energy & Fuel Station that also produces Chemical Products for Industrial use.  Now, that is doing things the Right Way on a Properly Run & Well Managed Planet!

      We must STOP Wasting what we have by further Damaging the Environment with it - instead of USING IT ALL to its FULLEST EXTENT!  Concentrated waste that can be broken down into Gas for Fuel, Useful Chemicals for Products & Industry, or Direct Electricity, should NEVER be discarded into the Environment!  That's like throwing away the Silver because it just needs a little Polishing!  Very FOOLISH INDEED!!!


      Brine is an excellent example of the Massive Resources that are being Wasted & Most Likely Harming the local environments in ways that may not even be known.  We ALL Need Better Solutions, Which Are SAFER Answers to the Current Issues at Hand!  No more "Turning the Other Cheek & Just Walking Away..."  The time to ACT is NOW!!!

     We must demand that Better Systems are used to ensure the longevity of Natural Resources such as Oil, Coal, and Natural Gas.  These New Systems will enable us to have far less of a devastating impact on our environment.  Besides giving us the additional resources for Energy & Industrial Products, they will create New Jobs & Better Ensure the future of our Climate & Planet's ability to Safely Adjust to our living standards. Even our own Sewage & Toxic Wastes can be broken down and used as Safe Fuels & Fertilizers that are very Eco-Friendly. 

The Real FACTS are:


      ANYTHING that is really Strong or Toxic in its being, can be easily broken down or combined with other elements to produce SAFE Energy!  We have been very foolishly throwing away our BEST Resources that are Most Abundant to us!  Instead of using what we will ALWAYS have Plenty Of, we are burning up what we Do Not!  One day Oil, Coal, and even Natural Gas, will become depleted.  If we do not STOP the Overuse of these resources, it will happen much sooner than we think.

      We must start Saving the Oil-Based Products that we already have, by Recycling them for Future Use!  Our World is literally run on Oil; and the Products that are made from it! What if there was NO MORE Plastic, Rubber, or Other Important Synthetic Compounds to make new Electronics, Wiring, Tires, Cellphones, Building Materials, or Computers...? Where would this Highly Populated & Technically Advanced World be...?  IN VERY BIG - BIG TROUBLE - THAT'S WHERE!!!

      We do not want to become like a Hollywood Movie, where the Aggressive Aliens are going from Planet-to-Planet to find more Resources just to try to Survive!  So, we should LEARN from our Mistakes and use what we ALREADY KNOW - Before it's too late! Besides, we DO NOT have the actual means to be able to do that anyway, so we should NOT even talk about it - because that type of an endeavor will NEVER HAPPEN if we do not get things fixed - down here - first!

      The most important focus of Real Science Now should be in using ALL of what we have in Abundance, to BETTER OUR WORLD, instead of Hurting It!  We should WASTE NOTHING!!!  Use EVERYTHING to its Fullest Potential!  Solve the Mysteries & Issues on Earth First, before Dreaming about the Mysteries & Alluded Fantasies of Space...  Time to WAKE UP - The ALARM IS GREATLY RINGING!!!

Sir Richard N. Rockfire

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ALL of Our Energy Sources

Should Be ALL-NATURAL...


Clean      &      Green

Such As:



Torus Field Energy


Introducing the

UNICALL™  Energy  System

Click Below:

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The Incredible Mind of Young

Taylor Wilson

Learn & Make A Difference!!!

Real Science FACTS Are Important to Everyone

Always Do Your Research!!!


"They May Have Today;


The Future is Mine"

I gave the whole world: AC (Alternating Current), Radio, Television, X-Rays, Remote Control, The Tesla Coil, & A Better Spiritual Understanding of its Humanity & Future.  Yet,

What have you done to Better Yourselves with ANYTHING that I have Freely Given or Taught...?

Nikola Tesla

July 10, 1856 - January 7, 1943

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