The Science of Religion
(The Historical FACTS of Religion)
Abraham Lincoln & Mark Twain both said: "The Bible can be Summed Up in 2-Words - Be Good!"
Join us now, for a Hard-hitting Intelligent Look into The History of the World of Religion...
There Are So Many Different Views
Which Ones Could Possibly Be TRUE?
Most People in Today's World, Juggle Their Views on Religion!!!
The Factual Evidence that is presented on this page, does NOT Support ANY Particular Religion or Religious "Theory!" It is ONLY presented as BEST EVIDENCE of the actual Historical FACTS & Nothing More! ROCKFIRE WORLDSHARE™ is in no way Connected to ANY Religion, nor does it Endorse ANY Religious Doctrine in ANY Way! This Information is for Better Understanding of the Actual FACTS & A Public Research AId. The Sole Intention of this page is to put an End to most Common Misunderstandings that arise within these areas. We hope that the World will find Better Peace & Comfort in Knowing the Factual Truths! Thank you for Your Support!!!
The Real Science of Religion,
Began A Very Long - Long Time Ago...
Let's start in the first days of Man:
"True 'Intelligence' is NOT based on what a person has been taught and can simply recall with Computer like capability. Even the most Advanced Computer in the World has No Intelligence at All, but ONLY Stored Information. It is what one does with that Information, which makes a difference! Intelligence is when one uses what they have to Solve Problems and make What Is - Better! Real 'Intelligence' is the gift of Insight!"
Sir Richard N. Rockfire
Before we begin, let us first FULLY REALIZE that one of the absolute most important factors about ALL AREAS of History, is that nearly no one in the basic population of any given time before 500-Years-Ago, knew how to READ or WRITE! So, when people cannot Read or Write, the ONLY way they have to KEEP STORIES ALIVE, is by telling them to their Children, and thus Handing-Them-Down via Word-of-Mouth, from Generation-to-Generation! That is very Crucial & Most Important to UNDERSTAND when examining the Actual FACTS about HISTORY!!!
Reading & Writing began being taught to the General Population at the Dawn of the Industrial Revolution, which truly began approximately 500-Years-Ago. It was needed for the SLAVES & General Workers so they could Operate Machinery in the Factories without getting Seriously Injured or Killing themselves or someone else! It also increased their ability to Understand exactly what they were doing, and perform their duties much better and more efficiently! Before then, the basic populations did not know how to Read or Write.
Now, with this in mind, think about what has happened within the time periods since then... Over the past 250-Years, in just half of that amount of time, we Created Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny, The Tooth Fairy, and so MANY Magical Characters that SOME are actually based on REAL People or Events of the PAST, but Epically CHANGED in their proportions to REALITY! Many Characters such as Superman, Batman, Aquaman, Spiderman, Wonder Woman, and so on... Are ALL FANTASY, but still based on other Heroic Concepts from Historical Events or Tales! We ALL have Vivid Imaginations & A Creative Spirit! Even if most of us do not use our imaginations to come up with new ideas or create new things, we still give in to the ones that do...
For the duration of this ENTIRE TOPIC, Do NOT Let Your IMAGINATION Get the BEST of YOU & Fall Back to A Fantasy of What You Think is FACT... Just Read & Understand it for what IT REALLY IS!!! Now, Remember: People could ONLY Tell the Tales that were Handed-Down via Word-of-Mouth back then, so what if those Tales were somehow Increased/Added To, Mistold, or Completely Changed as a Whole, to better suit the Taste or Time of the New Storyteller...? Then it would become a FALSE TALE! And, that is just Humanity & Creative Imagination at work.
In Today's World, we know that FALSE Statements. Stories, Rumors & Myths are all around us about Famous People, Politicians, Corporations, and even Events! We even experience these things in our own everyday personal lives about Family, Co-workers & Friends. Creative Imaginations Are Everywhere!!! Sometimes we just have to Read-Between-the-Lines or Directly Confront the People that it is about, to find out the Actual TRUTH! So, it is the same in ALL Other Areas of HISTORY & HUMANITY! Just keep these very Basic FACTS in your head as we now begin... For it is the TRUTH about how the Stories have been Handed-Down about ALL of the Old Prophets & Spiritual Leaders of the Past! Even many of the Scribes of the time could not Read or Write, but were simply Artists that were Copying a Text for Future Use! We know this CLEARLY because when they made Mistakes, they did not Know & Correct the Mistakes they had made.
When we examine the Great Pyramids of Egypt, we see that they could have been Constructed over 30,000-Years ago! The Watermarks and Soil show great Evidence of this nature. We also Note that they had Copper Wiring & Wiring Diagrams of an Electrical Understanding. The Factual Evidence actually shows that the Main Pyramid was an Electrical Power Station! Scientists now, also believe that the Obelisks could have been used to pull Wireless Electricity from the Air. We Know that there is NO Evidence of Oil-Based Torches being used inside of the structure. However, there is Evidence that they had Working Electrical Lights! This means that possibly as long as 30,000-Years or more in the Past, people had Nikola Tesla Technology of the Present!
In the Bible, and listed among Many other Recordings around the World, we find Evidence of Modern Technology, which we have only recently learned to use. This fully indicates that our Ancient Cities were very Advanced in Science & Technology! We know that they had Full Understanding of the Solar System & Built ALL of the Ancient Locations in the World, based on this Technology. This Information is a Proven FACT!
It is said that people were lead by a Line of Smoke in the Sky during the Day, and a Fire in the Sky during the Night! This sounds just like a Jet Flying Overhead. Even being Caught Up in a "Chariot of Fire" indicates a Flying Machine of Jet Propulsion!
The making of the "Ark of the Covenant" is a Combination of Metal/Electrical Engineering that when used with High Powered Magnets, would produce those amazing results. This is ALL Modern Nikola Tesla Technology! The FACTS are that Ancient Civilizations had Electrical Power & Great War Machines like today. This would make Ancient Rulers of these great areas seem like Gods & Goddesses to the Common Slaves they Controlled! There is Clear Evidence of High Radiation Levels in certain areas that still reside, which would seem to indicate the use of Weapons of Mass Destruction - Many Thousands of Years Ago! This would also Explain why there is so little of their Remains left to be Studied today.
As time went by, Mankind was given Religious Symbols to Worship & Pray for Psychological Strength & Spiritual Guidance. However, the Real Truth of the FACTS is that ANYONE when they are Suffering Enough, will begin to Soul Search and Seek Peace in their own Perception & Understandings! This means that we ALL have a Mental & Spiritual set of Survival Skills & Intuitions to aid us through in our Darkest Hours & Weakest Times. It has Nothing to do with Religious Worship of False Idols!
Because MONEY was not available back then, the Ancient Rulers knew that they had to Control people by Faith & Fear! They needed them for Slave Labor, to build their Cities, Mine their Metals, Grow their Crops, Harvest their Foods, and to Transport their Goods! The Slaves & Their Families, later became Warriors for the Battlefields, when Ancient Civilizations began Fighting over the Control & Rights to Certain Possessions! That is when different "Religions" truly came about.
People were then Separated and taught to Speak Different Languages to keep them from Understanding One Another & In Opposition on the Battlefields! This would also keep the Mass Population of Slaves, from Eventually Coming Together and forming their Own Army against the Ancient Rulers! That was a Simple Military Tactic!
As thousands of years went by, the Old Cities fell from many Harsh Wars that used very Powerful Weapons! People were now speaking many different languages, and worshiping many different False Idols. They had very little Evidence left of their History, and simply continued a Life of many Scattered Tribes from the Destructive Past!
Some of these people kept some of the Old Teachings from their pasts "Religions" and others had completely developed their very own New Ones! The ones that did hold on to certain Old Doctrines, had them from Different Ancient Cities & Rulers, which were now in Different Tongues. That is where our Modern Era of Recorded History starts to finally come in.
We see that the Original Ancient Rulers did not like Eating Pork (Pigs/Swine) because they were called "Unclean!" Pig meat is very "Unclean" due to many Toxins & Bacteria, which it contains. However, the real FACTS are that they did not Eat Pigs due to how Close their Meat is to Human Flesh! That is why Pigs are used in Medical Science & Surgery around the World today, for fixing Human Body Parts! When people that have Eaten Human Flesh are asked, "What do we taste like?" The reply is that we taste like a Porkchop & Well Cooked Ham! This is the REAL Reason why they did not Eat Pigs! It was like being a Filthy Cannibal to them. There are even Cannibal recipes from today, on how to Feed & Properly Detox a Human - days before actually preparing them for food. Another FACT about Pigs is that they have the Highest known IQ, and are the Smartest next to Humans, out of the animals that live on Land.
We know that Ancient Civilizations had very Important information on what to Eat & What Not to Eat, as well as how to Rotate their Crops and Properly grow the food - Season-after-Season. Their Cultures were very Advanced in their Factual Sciences & Technology! The FACT that MANY of these Teachings made it into "Religion" is because it was really the ONLY type of School/Teaching they had during those times. So, things were simply handed down from the Wise Men as Great Commandments & Religious Doctrines - not just Simple Well Explained Science Facts - taught from Generation-to-Generation! Even the act of Fasting was taught as a Religious Practice, and not for its Therapeutic Health benefits... So, EVERYTHING was Religious in nature.
Circumcision is another very important factor to acknowledge from their times; because it was something that could ONLY have been known or understood by someone with highly advanced modern-day medical or scientific training! Back then, it would have been a very necessary means to protect the health of the population from STD's & Bacterial Infections. This proves that at least someone from Ancient Times knew this very REAL SCIENCE & Used It for Humanity & A Cause... But, Why...?
In today's time, we can finally look back at the True Evidence of the Past, and Understand what was REALLY Going On! We have Uncovered enough Recorded History to get a much Better Picture of the FACTS! We have now been able to Establish that the one called the "Christus/Christ" most likely did actually exist! He probably did Teach as stated, and may have Performed "Miracles!" We do know that it is a Proven FACT that this Man's story, did exist among the elders of the first century! We also know that MANY Thousands of "Chrestians/Christians" followers of his Original Doctrine were also Captured and put to death for their belief in him. But, Why...?
Over the years, and even from the very beginning of the adoption of Christianity itself into the World, many have tried to Justify and directly Prove the Story & Existence of "Christus/Christ!" It has been a very LONG and hard task for both: Those of Faith, and those of just Science! Some would simply argue that it was ALL Covered Up! Others would say that it never happened at all, but is just the same exact story that was told Several times before "Christus/Christ" - with the "Chrestians/Christians" version of the same old tale, being the last one told. Nevertheless, neither side can fully Prove with Complete Evidence either of the two claims. The ONLY thing that is for Certain & is a Proven FACT, is that the basic Story of the Life of "Christus/Christ" was definitely told more than once before the "Christus/Christ" story itself. However, this would only simply indicate that maybe the "Christus/Christ" story was Partially Derived from the earlier versions and not a complete hoax! And, based on the "Doctrine" of the "Christus/Christ" teachings, he would have definitely been arrested and put to death, which would have been through the Standard Process of Roman Crucification at the time. We do know that most of his followers could NOT read or write... Therefore nearly all of his followers would have had to become "Believers in Him" via the elder's Hand-me-down repeated stories of his words. This is one of the reasons why it was written: "Let him that has an Ear - Hear!"
Some would now argue that the whole thing was a very clever plot to stir up the Religious Faiths & Governments at the time between both the Romans & Jews, by introducing a more Carefree Spiritual Philosophy. However, that just goes to support that someone did fill the gaps and shoes in the story of "Christus/Christ!" The only real thing now, would be to find physical records - outside of the "Bible" that may have been left by some of the original elders that would have heard him teach...
If "Christus/Christ" did truly exist, then did he REALLY "Die for Our Sins", or Because of them!? If we Closely Examine the Bible & Other Important Bits of Recorded History, we will find that he was Teaching NEW AGE SPIRITUAL PHILOSOPHY! That's Right - NEW AGE!!!
ALL of his Mentioned Teachings were about having a DIRECT - One-on-One Relationship with the Creator of the Universe! He taught people by saying: "Do NOT Be as the Heathens & the Hypocrites that Pray in the Synagogues & the Streets... Go into Your Closet to Pray, Where No One But God Can See You & Reward You Openly!" More Examples of his Teachings are: "Do Unto Others, As You Would Have Them Do Unto You! Do You Not Know that You Are Gods & Have the Power to Forgive Sin? Rend Unto Ceaser, that which is Ceaser's, but Unto God, that which is God's! Does not the 'Father' Provide for ALL of the Animals & Nature without Fail... Then, How Much More Will God Provide for Each of You as His Children!? Love God with all of your Heart, Soul, Mind & Being... Love your fellow man, as you love yourself! Seek first your true home in God's Kingdom... Do Not Judge - Let the one that is without Sin, cast the first stone! Forgive those who do you Wrong & Pray for your Enemies! Be Kind & Good - Help one another... If you have enough Faith, then All things are possible!"
What is Most Amazing about the Surrounding Conflicts on ALL of the "Story" of "Christus/Christ" is that the Opposing Religions do NOT Deny his Existence or his Direct Teachings, but simply the Statement that HE, Was/Is "GOD!" Other people of the World, do NOT know what to actually think, because they have NOT Truly Studied the Past Doctrines or History! Therefore, most of the Denials of "Christus/Christ" have actually come about in the past few Decades, which are almost all mainly due to the MANY Arguments against Modern-day "Christianity itself!"
There are what some call: "The gray areas of his words", which many Debate or Misunderstand... An example of this is: "Why do you call me Good, for there is only ONE that is Good, and that is the ONE that sent Me!" Now, that Biblical Statement in itself, Proves that he did NOT Actually Compare himself to the FULL Divinity of "GOD!" Yet, so many still Argue Otherwise & Swear that he is "GOD!"
Then, there are also those that Suggest that he did NOT actually say the word: "GOOD," but said: "God"... So, in their thoughts, he could have Originally said: "Why do you call me God, for there is only ONE that is God, and that is the ONE that sent Me!" Which would Cleary state that he was simply telling them that he was Not in Fact "GOD" but sent by him? These ideas Suggest that what he Originally said, was later Changed to Better Support the Idea of the ALL-NEW "Holy Trinity!" Yet, neither of those Versions, Prove that he said ANYTHING to the effect of him actually being "GOD!" On the contrary, he always referred to himself as: "A Servant" & "The Son of Man." A Very HUMBLE PERSON Indeed!
Other statements such as: "Deny Me Before Man & I Shall Deny You Before My Father in Heaven", were most likely ADDED by Church Leaders later, to further Support their Controlled Religious Fear and Old Doctrines, which were also incorporated into his "Story"... These alternate actions of Additional Writings are what most likely allowed him to be used as their NEW Great Spiritual Leader - with a Catch! However, those type of sayings goes completely Against the rest of the New Age Teachings of "Christus/Christ!" So, those "Words" are most likely NOT True, and should be treated as such! The REAL Entire "Christus/Christ" Message, was one of Direct Unconditional Love, Great Faith, Complete Forgiveness, & Eternal Peace... Anything stated otherwise, would be a Literal Contradiction of the FACTS! And, it is because of obviously ADDED Contradictions like this, Many people do not Believe, or Trust in his "Story" or the Interpretations of Modern "Christianity." You just have to Read-Between-the-Lines!
The REST of Man's "Religions", fall into a much more simple and less Controversial area of terms, which are viewed as very basic Principles & Philosophy on Life! Yet, regardless of their Background or Title, which Most "Religions" are very simple in nature and easy to Understand, or "Accept" - Even the more "Harsh Ones" like True Satanic Worship, deals with a simple Law-of-the-Jungle Respect, and a Live & Let Live - Cherish ALL Life for What It Truly Is Term! So, if the ones Outside of those "Religions & Beliefs" do not wish to LEARN ABOUT THEM, or Accept the literal FACTS of them, then they will never Understand that they just are What They ARE & Nothing More!
So, now you can see where Misunderstandings & Different Interpretations of Religions come from... And, you have LEARNED that the one known as "Jesus" today, was actually Teaching about Spiritual Freedom & Against the old basic Controlling Principles of False Religion back then. However, he was doing so in such a Clever way, that they could not directly accuse him of it because he did not teach the people to Break the Laws, but to simply Live Life Spiritually & Freely! He was Teaching that "God" was their very Loving Father, and was only just a Sincere Prayer away. This put a great amount of Fear into the Controlling Factors of that time. In the end, He was said to have overturned the Tables of Merchants in the "Church" and was then later Caught & Charged! So, they would have then had to kill as MANY of his Followers as they could, to try and Stifle his New Age Spiritual Message of Peace! And, those are the REAL FACTS of Recorded History! No one had a Video Camera back then to Record these things for Epic Future Debates! All we have to go on now is the Recorded History - Outside of the Bible, which mentions his Teachings & Followers, along with their Ordered Deaths!
The biggest issues that most people have about the Biblical stories of "Christ" is whether or not he actually "Rose from the Dead..." and if he indeed brought "Lazarus" back from the Dead...? For many people, these stories seem to be just too far fetched - even for the greatest known "Prophets" of the time. Then there are even harsher Skeptics, which claim that ALL of his "Miracles" were nothing more than Well Staged Illusions, with the help of his "Disciples/Friends." Regardless of what "REALLY FACTUALLY HAPPENED" or Not, the symbolic Message of Spiritual Peace, was very TRUE!!! His "Teachings" were very Beautiful & Profoundly Poetic in nature.
The main issue now is to just Focus on the TRUTH of his Teaching, and let the rest of the highly debated Arguments go. The FACTS are that even the very best of the Elders that came Against him, could not Fault his direct Teaching in itself! It is up to the individual to decide if they Really want to Believe that he did EVERYTHING that was proclaimed and said about him. That is where a person just Relies on FAITH without the PROVEN UNDISPUTED FACTS to truly back it. So, it is one's CHOICE to Believe in the Whole Story or to simply take the parts they can accept as enough. Nevertheless, HE MOST LIKELY DID EXIST & WAS LITERALLY KILLED FOR HIS TEACHING & THE GREAT RISE OF HIS FOLLOWERS IN THE END!
Because there were other very similar stories that were nearly identical to the one of "Christus/Christ" long before his Life or his Life's Story was ever known, the facts of these Events and Other Stories have also created much Conflict & Debate over the years. Some still say that it is just the Same Story being Repeated! Others state that the stories are so very similar due to the nature of the events and time periods that they would have happened; so the Actions of Everyone involved would have literally been basically the same. The main difference with the "Christus/Christ" story and others, is that it was Partially Recorded and mentioned by different Political Figures & Respected Public Historians of the time. And, the Recorded Mass Murdering of thousands of others because of his Teaching, seriously helps it along.
So, we have Enough Given Evidence to finally lay-to-rest that it TRULY did happen in at least Some Fashion or another... We also now know from Other Accounts of such Records, that the followers of the one known as "Christus/Christ" are said to truly believe that he had Resurrected in the end. These Documented Scripts Prove that at least some of the Biblical story is fairly close to what people of the time, may have Witnessed, or at least Believed. However, NONE of the Biblical Books was written by Eye-Witnesses, but ONLY those who had heard of his Story & Teachings. Others came from those who ONLY proclaimed to have had a "SPIRITUAL ENCOUNTER or REVELATION" on his behalf... The issues now are that we do not Completely Know how much - or if Any, of his "Story", was either Altered, Staged, Covered Up - or Not!
Other views from different sides and people may feel somewhat offended or even threatened by the New Testament Story of "Christus/Christ!" However, they should Not, because the FACTS are that he was simply Teaching a New Age Doctrine that said: "We Are ALL the Sons & Daughters of the Loving Father of Creation!" What happened to him by being put to death, along with thousands of his followers, is proof that he was Teaching something very Profound & Good! Yet, the multitude of his many followers was quickly Growing, and that greatly worried the Rulers of Controlled Religions back then, and they put a STOP to it!
Christianity today, has forgotten the very Heart of what was Originally Taught... It is now back into a World of Confused False Doctrines & Fear! It has become once again an Organized Manmade Religion, which Teaches MANY of the Original Doctrines from thousands of years before "Christus/Christ" was ever even born! They have truly lost the very Beauty of the Divine Spiritual Message, which started the TRUE Teachings of "Christus/Christ" in the first place.
Now, people have a very Different Understanding of what just happened Only 2,000 years ago. This is a Good way to look at how much more the people of the Original Ancient Cities, also began with MANY Misunderstandings of "Religion!"
ALL Original Religions & Religious Views started out this way and came from the Surviving Scattered Tribes of the Ancient Rulers. It does not matter WHAT RELIGION a person Chooses, or was Born Into, it is ONLY Part of the REAL Truth - Mostly Hidden & Lost in History!
What's really Sad, is that Most People, do NOT even Live By their So-called Religious Beliefs or Opinions! They do NOT Truly Study them, but ONLY Hide behind them because of Tradition! No one in this World is Perfect! No one has EVERY Answer for EVERY Question from EVERY Person... It's just NOT possible to Satisfy Everyone - ALL of the Time! So, just be the very BEST that YOU CAN, by leading a Good, Caring, Sharing, Loving, & Respectful Life, in Harmony with the World that YOU call Home! At Least That, is a Real Start!
The True FACTS are that New Age Teachings have been around since the very beginning of Mankind Learning to Communicate. However, the use of False Religions & Manmade Idols, came about much later, and were used to Control Man! Almost everything that was taught back then, was considered as a Profound Religious View & Doctrine! Once something Wise was said, it was treated as if it were a Law of "GOD" and then Written in Blood & Stone! However, Not Everything Written is TRUE! Nor does it mean that Everything Written will be the "Answer" for ALL People & ALL Time!
Thousands of years ago, people Drank Alcohol & Used Natural Drugs - just like today. However, Thousands of years ago, mankind relied much more on their Intuitions & Pineal Glands than we do in our Modern World. In FACT, most people have lost the ability to use their Pineal Gland, due to Over-Calcification from the Overuse of Flouride & Chemicals in their everyday Food, Beverage, Water, & Dental Products.
People must put aside their Ignorant Opinionated Half-Beliefs & Actually LEARN the TRUE History of what they are talking about in the first place, before "Discussing" a topic that is simply a Hand-Me-Down-Tradition, and NOT REAL RECORDED FACTS!!! Thank "GOD" that our Youth of TODAY, will finally bring forth the Children of TOMORROW, to at Longlast, put "Religion" in its place... Then they can ALL Just Get On With REAL TRUE LIFE!!!
The real TRUTH is: ALL RELIGIONS ARE MAN-MADE & HAVE A DIRECT SET OF LAWS/RULES & PRINCIPLES TO FOLLOW! Regardless of whether the ones that Wrote Them felt INSPIRED by a "Higher Power" or Not - They were ALL Created by MAN!!! And, they would have each most likely just been "UPDATES" to things Already Taught!
Having Direct Laws/Rules takes away from FREE WILL, which would be a Complete Contradiction to the very terms and "Belief" in an "ALL LOVING & FORGIVING GOD OF SUCH NATURE!" Therefore, no such "God" would have "Commanded Anything" other than Learn to LOVE, FORGIVE, & WORK TOGETHER! Chaos is in Play for a Direct Reason, which is to TEACH ALL THINGS to Evolve! Everyone & Everything is Unique and has its own Life & Experiences to Guide them!
No "God" or "Goddess" would ever Say or Command ANYTHING that they themselves would be held Guilty for doing! So, the Statements of "Thou Shalt Not Judge! Thou Shalt Not Kill! Thou Shalt Not Steal! Thou Shalt Not Covet! Thou Shalt Not Lie! Thou Shalt Not Worship False Idols! Thou Shalt Not Place ANYTHING Above the TRUE Divine Nature & Understanding of the Only REAL "God/Power of Creation" - (which is the REAL MEANING behind: I Shalt Not Have Any Other Gods or Goddesses Before Me)! These are ALL Proof that the "God or Goddess" that would have said them would NOT do such things - EVER! So, there is NO TRUTH in a statement that says such a being would ever Kill, Judge, Lie, Take what is Not Theirs by Earning it, Covet Someone or Something that is Not Theirs or has Not come to them directly through FREE WILL, or Believe in ANYTHING but the REAL UNIVERSAL FACTS!
Other basic Rules & Principles such as Marriage & Not Committing Adultery, were simple Commonsense Laws completely created by Man! Like ALL of the Above Listed Commandments, they were issued by very Wise Leaders, to aid in keeping the ways of the people of the time, to be more Focused, and from producing Intermixed Bloodlines between the offsprings of half Brothers/Sisters and Cousins! These things were ALL simple Commonsense Factors that needed to be put into place when people were much more Ignorant, Emotional, & Barbaric in their nature and ways. So, when one really OPENS THEIR EYES to the REAL HISTORY & TRUTH of MANKIND, they can get a much better Picture & Understanding of what was REALLY GOING ON!
Remember, Religion was originally Created for the Control of SLAVES! Since then, scattered tribes have kept different Creative Ideas on their "Religious History!" And, ALL have Changed & Been Updated via the Leaders of their times. Most of them are treated like Complete Historical FACTS & LAWS OF ETERNAL TRUTH! Yet, NONE of them are without Direct Contradictions, nor do they Truly ADMIT & UNDERSTAND the very reasons why they were Created in the first place. So, the ONLY WAY to be TRULY SPIRITUAL, is by being just that - SPIRITUAL IN NATURE & Let Religion, speak for itself!
With, or without a religious belief, we can clearly see that many thousands of years ago, certain leaders had a profound knowledge of Science & Understanding, which we are just rediscovering via our own current scientific studies of today! Our very history and ways have taught us so... However, the Real Questions Now are:
Who on "Earth" were they - Really!?! And, how did "They" know all of this!?!
In the end, regardless of what a person believes in or not, if its Message & Ways are teaching Good Wise Sayings & Humble Practices, then as long as no one is hurting themselves or others by their beliefs, their hearts are already in the right place... Now, they just need to open their minds up as well and understand that there are many Roads & Pathways, which lead All people on their individual journeys in Life... So, even though others follow different Paths, they ALL lead back to Home... Amen
From the Upcoming Book: A Voyage Through Time
©2019 ROCKFIRE INTERNATIONAL™/All Rights Reserved.
Sir Richard N. Rockfire
Regardless of A Person's Belief,
It is their Actions, that will Make A Difference for Better or Worse!!!
Whether You Walk by Faith or Science...
What You CHOOSE to do in Life, is Up to YOU!!!
The Very Heart & Soul of ALL Greatly Profound Religions & Beliefs Cleary State: "In the End, We ALL Have Each Other - So Make the Very Most of It While We Can! Do Our Very Best & Be ALL that We Can Truly Be in Life..." Godspeed Indeed!!!
Sir Richard N. Rockfire
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