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Social Media & YouTube

Real-World Education

      Social Media is a Part of almost Everything in today's World!  And, most people have Several Social Media Accounts.  No matter where you go:  Home, Office, School, Work, Hospital, Car, Truck, Plane, Train, Boat, and even Camping, Social Media is just a simple Click away!  However, how much Social Media is too MUCH!?!  Let's take a serious look into the world that is changing the World as we once knew it...

What's Really Happening in Social Media?


Can Today's World, Live Without It?


What Are the Social Media FACTS?

It's been well stated and proven that the three most valuable things

a person can ever have is their own Sanity, Physical Health, and Time!  

Think about that as you read the following...

     Life on the Internet: 

      Our beloved Cell Phones, Laptops, Personal Handheld Devices, & Computers are not just for Basic Communication, Information, & Work programs anymore...  Now they are a whole New World of Completely Interactive Escape!  The brightly colored LED Screens offer an intriguing getaway from everyday reality.  Their Entrancing Glow with so many Vibrant Crisp Colors creates an incredible Euphoria of Comforting Stimulus & Mental Bliss!  Then, the added sounds of Cute Chimes, Jingles, & Simple Tones, further stimulate one's direct perceptions of Excitement!  Throw in an unlimited amount of added Images/Emojis of Pleasant Figures & Characters, which ALL display easily understood quick references of Simple Replies & Human Emotions, and you have even MORE STIMULUS for Entertainment & Personal Escape!  Emojis offer a new way of communicating without words that is very Quick & Simple.  However, everything in LIFE comes at a price!  

      We now live in a New Era of Uncharted Territory.  We have created a New World that is parallel to our own.  A world that is widely excepted as Normal, but it is NOT!  It is a world of Fantasy & Interactive Cartoons & Features that distract us from the actual Real Happenings of things around us.  In the end, it is an Addictive Escape from the surroundings of actual Reality!  It uses Euphoric Lights, Colors, Sounds, & Images to reel us into its incredible Show!  It offers Unlimited Games, & even the added increase of a person's own Self-worth via Social Stamina!  It's almost like having your very own personal Go Go Bar/Strip Club at your fingertips 24-hours a day - Every Day!  Therefore, this all-new Virtual World is giving people a sense of being FREE from Responsibility and certain things of direct Human Interaction in the Real World that might allow them to be Hurt or make them feel uneasy.  So, they Escape deep into their Cartoon Virtual World, because they feel SAFER there and have the constantly added excitement of their Everchanging, Enchanting, & Entrancing, Euphoric Reality!  Yet, NONE of it is REAL!


        Social Media Itself:

      The problem with Social Media is that it has gotten way out of control.  There are still many millions of FAKE Social Media Accounts out there, and some of those are very Dangerous!  Anyone could be the Victim of a Terrible Crime!  Young Children & Women that post photos of themselves can be easily tracked down by a Cybercriminal.  This is one of our biggest concerns.

      There is also the FACT that because everyone is just posting their faces everywhere, any Cybercriminal or Cyber-group could easily research their info and actually create a FAKE I.D. or Passport in their name.    

      YouTube, is one of the SAFER Social Media Services because it is mainly about having a Public Video Channel, and NOT for posting a lot of Personal Pictures & Information.  Therefore, there's much less of a chance for a Stalker to use YouTube to gather Important Personal Information or get Photographs of the people and their families through the user's YouTube Channel.  However, if a user chooses to Add or Post their Full Name & Personal Info to ANY Site, then they will be at risk! 

      Personal Social Media Accounts have been hacked so many millions of times that they have actually lost count!  And, FAKE Profiles with Copied Pictures & Names of Real People have been created by Cybercriminals to try and get closer to certain people that may already know the Faces & Names of the Stolen/Fake Accounts.  So, even though some Social Media Sites are getting much better in Security & Monitoring their accounts, New Technology is ALWAYS A THREAT!!!

     Let's face the Cold Hard FACTS:  Social Media Services, such as Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, MySpace, Pinterest, Google Plus, & Twitter, are ALL very Good ways to get LOTS of Emails, Videos & Music Links, Photos, & Long-distance Voice Chats & Video Chats with Family & Friends...  No one is denying any of that at all...  But most of those services also offer Many Special Games & Additional Apps/FUN Features to keep you COMPLETELY Preoccupied - ALL THE TIME!!!  At some point, someone has to take away the CRACKPIPE!!!  

      Many people are so Addicted to their Social Media Accounts that they cannot even Sleep or Think Correctly anymore.  Now that is a very serious Health Issue & Concern!  It has now become a direct Mental Illness, which has finally reached the point that many people cannot even go a few minutes without using it in some form or another.  However, people on their own, just can't seem to truly LIMIT their time on it or STOP!  Now that is a pretty Scary Dependency & Sickness!

      Social Media is a very New problem that we have created in this Modern World of High Tech Gadgets & Bright Glowing Colorful Screens!  Yet, something must be done to WAKE PEOPLE UP from the Dreamy Distracted Faze of Virtuality & Bring them back around to EARTH & actual REALITY! 

       The best thing that people can truly do to help them in getting over their Obsessive Addiction to Constantly being on their Computers & Handheld Devices is to simply use their Time on the Internet MUCH MORE WISELY, by doing New Research & Learning New things that are very Vital & Important to their own Lives & Needs!  That would at least still allow them to spend plenty of time on the Internet & their Pretty Glowing Screens and it would be a very Healthy Alternative to too much Social Media.  At least they will actually get Smarter & be Helping their Brains instead of Hurting them, by doing something truly Educational & Inspiring!  This website of ROCKFIRE WORLDSHARE™ is the perfect example of what they should actually be doing on the Internet... LEARNING!!! 


      Final Thoughts:


     The really sad thing in today's world, almost no one picks up their phone to just have a good oldfashioned phone conversation anymore.  Everyone is too busy Taking Selfies, Sending Emojis, & Playing Online Games to actually STOP, and just make a sincere phonecall.  You almost never see a Family or a Group of Friends playing Cards or Board Games like they always used to do.  The very Humanity & True Emotion of Human Feelings are being lost to a FAKE Cartoon World of Virtual Entertainment.  There's No PULSE in that!  It's just a childish pastime that only keeps people from REAL Face-to-Face interactions.  In the end, Humanity suffers its greatest loss ever - ITSELF!!!


Happy Typing & Virtual Messaging... Cheers!!!

Sir Richard N. Rockfire


To Learn About LIFE & Going Without the Internet

We Invite YOU to Watch the Incredible Family FUN Movie: 

The Joneses Unplugged!

To Watch the Full Movie, Just Click on its Image Below the Following Behind-the-Scenes Trailer & Enjoy!!!


Child Predators & Social Media

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