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Respect & Responsibility

True Respect comes from within...

Real Responsibility is based on Self-discipline...

Real-World Education


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for Your Actions!

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for Life!


Learning About Our True Selves...

      First off, ALL People are Responsible for their own Actions & should do what it takes to Manage their self Wisely!  If they make a Mistake or a Mess, then THEY should immediately do what it takes to FIX IT or CLEAN IT UP!  It is very Disrespectful & Irresponsible to allow our Actions to Burden others.  So, Make A Good Note Of It & ALWAYS BE RESPONSIBLE!!!  There are NO Excuses for what we do in LIFE, which someone else is Responsible for!  Now, on with the rest of this lesson...

      From the very first moment that people meet, all the way through until their very last encounter, how they Interact and treat each other can truly change the World!  From a simple sincere smile and handshake in the beginning to a lifelong friendship, in the end, people can make ALL the difference by starting out with RESPECT!!!

      Respect is a term that is widely used around the World, however, most people do NOT Realize that they are seriously failing in their attempts to Truly Show It!  Understanding HOW to Show & Give Respect in its Proper & Honorable Forms will Change Your LIFE Forever!

      Respect can take a person much farther than they ever dreamed.  A truly Average person that is really Respectable, will achieve much more in LIFE, than another person with a lot more Money & A Higher Education, but very little Respect!  

      The way we look at, and go about things in our lives and everyday actions, determine just how Positive & Respectful we will be towards others and LIFE itself!  Learning to SLOWDOWN & TAKE THINGS IN is the first step in Understanding Respect!  Respect takes Patience & A Good Relaxed Attitude First - in order for it to truly be known.  So, finding one's own Inner Peace is the best place to start...  And, it also teaches a person what they are really made of - by the journey within. 

      Once a person truly LEARNS to be Relaxed, Patient, and at Inner Peace with their self, they can then begin to radiant a Sincere Respect towards others.  This is when their LIFE will epically change for the better!  Because now, they have learned that how they RESPECT their own self, is how they RESPECT others.  An old wise saying states:  "If you wish to be Respected, then you must start by Respecting Yourself!"  So, never forget that saying, by implementing it in ALL that you do for the rest of your LIFE!

      Being Kind & Honorable comes from within a person's own Heart & Being because there is Inner Peace there.  It cannot sincerely come from one just trying to ACT that way alone, because the true Emotions and Sincere Actions must be FELT by others, as they Vibrantly Radiate outwards...  Almost like a Soothing Sound & Gentle Light. 

      People must LEARN that they are usually at war within their own selves if they do not have Inner Peace.  Most people do not even know it, but they truly are dealing with some kind of Inner Conflict & Fighting their own Demons!  If a person is Lacking something they really want or need, then they will become frustrated without it.  They then start to feel Angry, Hurt, Lesser-than, and search for other things to fill the Void!  However, ONLY Inner Peace itself can help them.  The best way to start is by Meditating on what you Want or Need in a Positive Way, and Focusing on the FACT that you WILL HAVE IT very soon!  This allows you to be FREE of your Inner Burdons, and simply Move On!  A person must find Inner Peace in order to be Happy & Really Live their LIFE!

      A truly Happy Person is a very Respectful Person.  If a person is NOT Respectful, then they are at an Inner War within themselves, and are NOT Happy!  So, Understand that when you meet someone who seems very Distracted, Frustrated, Agitated or Rude, they are having problems in their own LIFE & Views at the time.  Do NOT let their Negativity offend you in ANY way!  Always Smile & Be YOURSELF!  Maybe in the future, you can talk to them and offer some good advice.

      It is also very important to Understand that people may follow different paths in LIFE, but ALL Roads lead back to Home!  So, a Person's Race, Religion, Skin Color, Personal Beliefs, Things they Like or Do, Where they are From, and How they Dress, may be different from your own.  However, that does not make them Lesser-than or Wrong; it just means they are just like YOU:  On their own Road of Personal Journey & Self-discovery!

      When I personally Manage People, I use the following Guidelines, which are posted in at least three areas of their Work Environment for them to Constantly See!  I wrote these "Guidelines" many years ago as a basic approach to better Employee/Manager Relations.  They have served their purpose very well, and even become the way of LIFE for Most of the people that have used them. Here they are:

      The following is my basic approach to Managing, and what I sincerely expect from Managers & Supervisors under me.  I wrote it as a general guideline for ALL Management Teams to go by & Learn to be more: Involved, Respectful, Cheerful, & Creative.

      In ALL Situations and areas of Management, the following Guidelines should ALWAYS be Adhered to & Applied:

1.  All Managers, should Set Perfect Examples for their employees.  How a Manager Looks, Dresses, Talks, & Acts, are how their employees will see and understand them to be.  Like, Good Parents, Managers MUST set great examples in ALL they do in every day.  If a Manager is ever frustrated by an issue, they should take a moment to Calm Down and NEVER let their frustration be seen.  Always be in very Positive & Intelligent Control of their own actions first!  Then, they can set the Right Examples on how to deal with, and correct a situation at hand.  

2.  Managers, must make RESPECT, the biggest social issue among ALL employees, and Enforce it.  Every employee has a right to their opinion, when it is of real importance, and done in a very Respectful manner.  However, No one will be disrespected for any personal issue, such as Race, Hair, Sexual Orientation, Clothing, Religion, or Disability,  No one will be allowed to exchange Negative Remarks or Gossip, about others on the job.  Work is a place of absolute Human Rights & Respect!  What people do after work, is their own business - as long as it does NOT affect others from work, or the job itself.  If a Manager must correct an employee's actions, then it should always be done in private - without any other employee's knowledge of what is going on, or has happened. Never, embarrass an employee, or make them feel lesser than, or ashamed in front of anyone else. Also, instead of telling them how wrong they were in what they did, focus on a Positive way of suggesting how they should have handled their actions.  Make the employee feel good about their job, and strive to be the best they truly can. 

3.  Customers should ALWAYS receive the absolute Best Service, Help, and Care.  If a Customer, has a serious issue and becomes irate, then a Manager, should immediately take over and do ALL they can to very Calmly Divide the irate customer from the area they were originally in, and take care of them.  No Customer should be allowed to: Yell, Become Physical, or use Profanity in a Public Area. Likewise, No Employee should become the actual victim of Customer's out-of-control abuse.  The ONLY way to STOP, or at least CONTROL this type of scenario, is to Calmly Divide & Conquer the issue at hand.

4.  Every day, Managers should be very Positive & Inspiring towards Everyone!  Their Very Healthy Attitudes will be Greatly Appreciated & Respected.  It is their Positive Words, Smiles, and Direct Encouragement, which sets the Mood, for everyone else. 

5.  Managers MUST Be Involved throughout the day with their employees.  They should ALWAYS be seen setting positive examples through Action!  No one will truly Respect a Lazy or absent Manager.  

6.  Managers should ALWAYS look for New Positive Ways to Inspire their Employees!  This can be done in many simple ways and fashions, such as:  Adding Artwork, or Plants to an area to Cheer it Up, Writing something Positive on the Board or Posting it for the Staff & Employees to see, Having Short Pep Talks where the employees can be involved.  Listening to New Employee Ideas to Better the Job,  Even Scheduling Special Employee Events.


7.  Managers should find ways to Reward the Top Employees - as much as possible.  Putting their Names on a List of Achievements, and Simple Treats, such as Candy, Meal & Movie Tickets, Special Prizes, and even Surprise Parties.  

8.  Managers should ALWAYS be looking for Ways to Improve Issues in ALL areas of their Job & their Employees performances. 

9.  True Managers, are Never Afraid to bring New Ideas to the Company Table & Fully TAKE CHARGE of Bringing Them to Life!!!

10.  ALL PEOPLE should Respect Others & Never Interrupt them while they are Speaking...  It is also very important to Always look a person directly in the eyes and Listen to them when they are talking to you!  Give a person your Serious, Respectful, & Undivided Attention; and they will likewise, Respect YOU for it!

      So, there you have it - A simple overview of the basic Understanding for Leading & Living a very Full, Happy, & Productive LIFE!  What you do with the information is simply UP TO YOU!!!  Just find your Inner Peace & Truly Soar... 

      Remember, LIFE, is what we make out of every encounter that we have.  So, we can either make the very Best of it, or the Worst!  It ALL starts with our own Attitudes, Inner Selves & Outlooks - First. Where we go in LIFE, is up to US!  No one else is driving your Body & Mind, but YOU!  So, be a RESPECTFUL & RESPONSIBLE Driver, for Your Own Benefit, and the better benefits of others in the end.  And please, by all good means: Take Time to Actually Enjoy the Trip...  Thank You! 

Sincerely, Sir Richard N. Rockfire

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