Overcoming Trauma is one of the most difficult things in life to do. Some people NEVER overcome their past traumatic experiences. On this page, we will breakdown the different types of Trauma, and the effects caused by them. We will LEARN how to Accept & Let Go of the past traumatic experiences. Finally, we will teach you the ONLY way that you can truly be FREE to move on with your LIFE & BE HAPPY!!!
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Learning to Overcome Major Trauma...
Understanding Trauma:
First, it is very important to state that the following is a direct look into the Hard FACTS of what causes Trauma! The most effective approach to dealing with Trauma is to understand that No One can change what has already happened. The first thing that ALL serious Trauma Victims must realize is that it is NOT in ANY WAY Their Fault for what they have endured; nor is there anything that they can do to Justify ANY Form of Major Trauma that has occurred in their LIFE! The ONLY thing that a Victim can do is ACCEPT that it is OVER & LEARN that they MUST MOVE ON & LET IT GO!!!
Let Us Begin:
There are different types of Trauma & Ways that each of those Trauma types can affect people. The types of Trauma range from Emotional & Mental to Physical & Longterm Abuse! However, Physical Trauma itself still carries an Emotional Response to the Injury endured! So, in ALL areas of Harsh or Violent Injury & Infliction, an Emotional Scar will be present.
Whether a person's Trauma is from a serious Plane, Train, Boat, Automobile, Violent Storm/Act of Nature or another type of Accident or Event... Or if it's from a Violent or Abusive Human Act against them or Someone they Love... They will be greatly Traumatized!
Trauma can also be Work-related such as Soldiers & Pilots in the Military, Police Officers on Duty, EMS Personnel Handling Traumatic Response Calls, Fire Fighters in Action, or ANY JOB that puts a person under Massive Stress!
There is also the everyday Emotional Trauma of Losing a Loved One, Losing a Home, Being Bullied at School or Work, A Lover that Cheats or Leaves, Overcontrolling & Overprotective Parents or Family Members that Stifle & almost Smother a person with their own Views & Personal Fears or Beliefs, and even Strong Verbal Abuse!
Then there are the Criminal Acts of Trauma such as Sexual Molestation, Neglect, Rape, Brutal Beatings, Blackmail, Murder of a Loved One, and Major Theft!
When a person is hurt in a really traumatic way, it leaves a very serious Mental & Spiritual Scar in their Heart, Mind, and Soul. Depending on their age at the time of the event, and the type of trauma they endured, they can even be more traumatized!
Childhood Trauma:
Childhood trauma is extremely difficult for most people, because they also lost a lot of the Joy & Freedom they would have had in growing up without the added traumatic pain inside of them. This, then causes a young person to become Caged in their Emotions & Interactions and very Isolated from a Positive Outlook in certain areas. It also creates additional problems in their Learning Abilities & Social Experiences. Thus, they feel very Threatened, Insecure, and usually Trapped in a Perplexed State where they cannot truly Trust themselves or others.
When a child is severely hurt and goes through this type of trauma growing up, they will usually develop an Alternate Ego to help them through. It could be very Strong, Aggressive & Tuff! It could be very Comical, Silly & Carefree... or it could even be Extra Sincere, Loving & Peaceful, depending on what the child feels more comfortable in using to hide their pain. Different people do different things to cope with their issues in the best way they can. Nevertheless, they are usually trying to deal with their trauma on their own. This is why Schools need to teach about Overcoming Trauma at Grade Levels 3, 6, & 9. This is VERY IMPORTANT for Society!
There are far too many Teen Suicides & Violent Teen Crimes in today's World. If Schools & Social Services start teaching about the importance of Understanding & Dealing with Trauma, most of that would be greatly Reduced & Stopped!
We will cover how to Overcome this Trauma, after discussing the rest of the issues below.
Adult Trauma:
If an adult is traumitized they could develop a dependency on Alcohol or Drugs before seeking help. People are very Afraid & Ashamed of their Pain! They feel very uncomfortable talking about it and keep it bottled up inside of them until they are finally ready to Emotionally Explode! That is the WORST way to ever deal with ANYTHING!
Adults that suffer severe traumatic cases can become very Unstable & Violent themselves, because unlike children, which are more prone to just withdrawing into their own selves out of fear, an adult may just simply SNAP and go completely Ballistic! Adults have the added ease of being able to quickly turn to Alcohol & Drugs, which is much harder for children to get a hold of. So, adults can easily become very out of control under the right traumatic conditions.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (Shell Shock) is a term that is very familiar in the adult world within many areas of Military, Law Enforcement, Rape & Terrorists Victims, Survivors of Very Traumatic Events, and many forms of Stressful High-risk Job Services. The amount of Stress that most adults already have in today's Highly Competitive World & Social Media Society is far above what it was only 50-years ago. If suddenly something truly traumatic happens to someone now, they would be at a much higher risk of losing control. This is why ALL people should have a general everyday common practice that helps them to Relieve Stress & Stay Focused!
Trying to keep up with the growing amount of Pressure from Work & School Schedules, Social Media Stamina, and even the hectic everyday Ratrace of Commuting to-and-from Our Destinations, people are under a lot of newly added Stress! The whole World has become a Human Pressure Cooker where at any moment, someone could BLOW!
Every day Suicides are reported from both Children & Adults. And, it has become far too common to hear about School Shootings & Massmurders! All of these additional Stressful Factors continually add even more to an already Traumatized person's brain! That can be a recipe for Major Disaster! So, it is very Important to have a simple way to Calm Down & Stay Focused.
Repressed & Suppressed Memories:
Many people suffer from very dramatic Trauma Based Repressed or Suppressed Memories. This condition may almost seem to be Unbelievable to some - even the ones that actually have them - Until They Resurface... However, they are indeed - Very - Very REAL!
Repressed & Suppressed Memories are usually the sign of Serious Trauma in a person's early Childhood or Teen-years. They can also be experienced by Adults that are the Victims of Violent Crimes or Events. Most people do not begin to Recall a Repressed or Suppressed Memory until they are in their 40's or older. This condition is also associated with severe cases of PTSD/Shell Shock, and in Most Cases, they lead to a Full All-out Horrid Reliving of those dreadful events - usually decades later, when they finally resurface and are recalled!
When this happens, it's like the Victim is being completely ReVictmized all over again! Something may happen that triggers them to be recalled, and they usually begin in just small fragments of bits and pieces. They were Repressed or Suppressed by the Mind of the individual, or the Individual their self, during a very traumatic event that was so Harsh they could not Emotionally or Mentally handle it. So, in a Self-defense Mechanism, the Person or the Person's Brain itself made those events completely disappear from ANY Recall. This is why some people cannot remember almost anything from a certain period of their life, but they can remember everything else before and after that particular period of time - with incredible accuracy.
Those memories of those terrible events were removed from Recall, but Not Completely Erased. So, once those memories have returned in FULL, the Victim can finally begin to forego the process of Accepting their Reality and then Letting it Go. Yet, it will be a very Harsh, Scary & Traumatic experience all over again in doing so. This is why a person who seemed to be very Happy for over 20-years, and had absolutely no memory of severe trauma, could one day just start freaking out from a very serious Repressed or Suppressed Memory, which suddenly starts to Resurface!. This is how truly bad the experience of Severe Trauma really is to the Human Physique & Brain!
ALL Trauma Victims:
A person must Confront Their Issues & Deal with them Immediately, or else it will cause them much more Pain & Added Stress that will eventually drive them Crazy & Ruin their Lives! No one can Hide from their Inner Feelings! One must come to terms with what has happened, and Accept that they Cannot Change it! Then, they must Focus on Moving On & Letting it Go... So, they must do what it takes to Restore PEACE in their Heart, Mind, & Spirit - once again.
If a person has suffered greatly from the Harsh Hands & Actions of another, they may want REVENGE! Yet, Revenge will never undo the Pain or Wrong that has already been done. In FACT, the very Act of Revenge would now make the Victim just as bad as the one that hurt them! So, the Victim would be doing their own self even more harm in the end, by taking Revenge! Then, the Victim would also have to LIVE with the added Trauma of what they have now done to HURT someone in the same way that they were originally hurt and forced to suffer! Therefore, it is truly a NO WIN situation. And, if a person sits around thinking about Revenge, then they are allowing their self to become even more Traumatized & Deeply Scarred for Life! That type of focus can completely destroy a person's very Essence & Soul. So, it is very important to Understand that there is No Righting those Wrongs! Dwelling on them will ONLY cost a person their own Peace & Sanity!
In traumatic events like these of actual Horrible Human Crisis & Crimes, people always want JUSTICE!!! However, there is NEVER JUSTICE for these terrible acts, because NONE of these Acts can ever be JUSTIFIED!!! Therefore, no matter what the LAW or Anyone Else ever do to a person that has truly harmed another, they can never be Punished Enough to undo the Crimes or the Wrongs they have committed! The one(s) that were Hurt, will NEVER be Unhurt; and they will never have any type of Real Resolve until they as the Victim(s) find the Inner Peace to Forgive the one(s) that hurt them and just simply Let it Go... There is NEVER JUSTICE... Only Acceptance, Forgiveness, and the WILL TO SIMPLY GET ON WITH LIFE!!! No one can ever Change or Make Better what has already been done! However, they can Choose to No Longer Be A VICTIM & In Peace, MOVE ON!!!
Longterm Trauma:
Longterm Trauma is usually caused by people that someone lives with, which are very Controlling or Verbally and/or Physically or Sexually Abusive! This can be ANY Person from a Roommate - to a Family Member. It is mostly seen within the acts of Jealous Lovers & Overwhelming or Overprotective Parents! People that completely Stifle & almost Suficate a person, based on their own beliefs or Fears! These actions can last for MANY YEARS, and therefore become serious Longterm Traumas to the Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual State of the Victim! This leads to one being Greatly Oppressed and made to feel Wrong, Bad, Ashamed, Dishonorable/Disrespectable, and very Guilty for just being their own self! This kind of abuse can weigh very Heavy & Harshly on a person. In some cases, the Victim is constantly accused of doing things that they have NOT, and thus they are continually forced to try to Explain or Defend themselves against False Alligations!
Longterm Trauma can also occur outside of the home, such as Work, Social Groups, and especially School! In these areas, it is usually due to Constant Harassment & Bullying from the Victim's Peers. The Effects & Affects of these events can be just as Equally Devastating as are the traumatic events from Home. So, Longterm Trauma is one of the Worst Emotional Traumas to have!
Remember, that LIFE has taught us that we are ONLY as Good as our Thoughts & Actions! So, if our thoughts are filled with painful experiences of the past, then our Entire Being will be tormented by our demons and never free. However, if we realize that we do not NEED or WANT those traumatic demons anymore, then we will Wake Up & Let those demons go! It is up to the person at hand to CHOOSE to be FREE!!!
In the end, ALL of the Counseling & Prayer in the World, will not help a person, until they have made up their own Heart & Mind to finally just Accept that an issue happened, which was NOT Their Fault, so they MUST Move On with their LIFE & LET IT ALL GO!!!
In FULLY Doing So, a person must FORGIVE Their Anger towards the Person or Event that caused their Trauma, and NEVER dwell on it or think about it again. They must simply do a real Physical Act in Nature, such as bending over A River, A Running Stream of Water, The Rolling Waves of the Ocean, or even a Small Hole they dug in the Ground - away from their Home, and then Shake their Head over whichever source they choose, and say: "I Am Over It & I Set Myself FREE! Now I Lay You to Forever Rest In Peace... From This Day & Hence Forth, Be YE Gone From ME!!!"
Then, if they dug a Small Hole in the Ground, it should be somewhere far from where they live, and they should cover it up, and place a Flower on top of it at the end. If they did it over Water, then they should throw a Flower onto the Water at the end... In either case, once they have finished, they should Look Straight Up at the Sky, Take in a Deep Breath, Slowly Let it Out... Then turn around and Forever Walk Away!!! Never return to that area or place - ever again!
Once they get back to their Home, they should Light A White Candle & Burn Some Fresh Sage to fill their Home & Spirit with Peace... Then they can Knowingly Relax by playing some soothing Music & Saying: "I Am Finally FREE!!!"
From then on, Never Think or Speak of the Trauma again... Focus ONLY on Good Positive Things & Do Them! Find a Good Focal Point & Hobby, like Art, Music, Yoga, Dance, Gardening, Fishing, Photography, Natural Artistic Things in Nature, and ALWAYS Stick to it! Never Look Back! Just Be Whom YOU Always Wanted To Be & Really Live Life to the Fullest!!!
Remember These Epic Words: "If you do not Forgive, then you cannot Forget... There is no Moving On when you hold on to the Wrong... You have to Let Go of what you Cannot Control... It is up to YOU to Set Yourself FREE!!!" Amen
If YOU or someone close to you is suffering from Trauma and it is becoming Unbearable, please seek a local Counsellor to speak with. Also, make sure to Fully go through ALL of the Inspiration Pages in the Next Section/Part 2 of the E.A.R.T.H.™ Program - Starting with our Epic Inspiration page. Remember, YOU Are Not Alone... YOU Can Feel Great Again! Godspeed Indeed!!!
Sir Richard N. Rockfire
Surviving Trauma & The Brighter Side of Life...